Yaldhurst Secretary — Feb 14, 2021

We would like to congratulate our students for washing hands before and after eating. Viruses spread very easily from one person to another and washing hands ensures happy and safe hands.

Please remind your child/ren to do the following as a part of their everyday routine:-

- Wash hands before and after eating, sing "Happy Birthday to You" 1x (or make up your own lyrics).  This is the     recommended time it takes to wash hands thoroughly.

- After washing hands they need to be dried thoroughly.

- Use a tissue where possible to cough or sneeze. If one is not available, cough into the crook of their elbow.

- Throw used tissues into the bin.

- Hand Sanitiser and tissues are available in the classroom.

If you have any concerns for your child/ren's health please contact the New Zealand Health Line 0800 611 116