Hero photograph
Photo by Yaldhurst Secretary

History Corner - Yaldhurst Model School Baths (Pool) Rules, Yaldhurst Amatuer Swimming Club (YASC) and Life Saving Club and so much more!

Yaldhurst Secretary —

The Yaldhurst Board of Trustees' approved the build of the school pool using the school committee raised funds. The Yaldhurst Model School Pool was built in 1896.

Old school board records dating back to 1897 have been found!  This has been the most delightfully, unexpected and incredible historical find. The musty smell of historical leather bound books is just too much for words!   It is very exciting to read about Yaldhurst Model School's history and to be able to share that history with you!

  Though it is not cannot be claimed that our Pool was the first to be built it would certainly rank in the earliest in New Zealand.  Money was raised by the committee locally by public subscription.  The voluntary work was provided by the men in the district using their tractors to remove trees from the pool site.  When the pool was officially opened by the first Chairman of the Yaldhurst School Committee Mr John Taylor (see photo)  and it was free of debt.

Image by: Yaldhurst Secretary

The pool was filled by the water race directly outside of the school. Many past students remembered the occasional tadpole making its way through the pipes during the filling operation.  Thankfully health requirements dictated the water source no longer compliant and in 1957 a deep well pump was installed.

Image by: Yaldhurst Secretary

Please read the photocopy of the original document found attached, including what time ladies were allowed to swim. The pool offered the sale of tickets to the public from 1st October 🥶 ❄ for the cost of 2/6 (2 shillings and 6 pence) along with strict rules of use that applied to having the privilege of using the Yaldhurst Model School Community Swimming Baths.  Did you know that the Yaldhurst Model School Baths also had an Yaldhurst Amatuer Swimming and Life Saving Club?

Please see the attached earliest minutes from the Swimming Club found to date.  You will notice some familiar local names (Mr Gilberthorpe and Mr Withell.)  Perhaps you will recognise more.

We hope you enjoy going back in time for just a few moments.