Communication at YSTT
YSTT staff pride themselves on their open, informative and friendly communication.
YSTT Management have come to realise that because of the wealth of communication tools available, it can be easy to communicate too much in too many places. As communication tools continue to develop so too will our communication methods.
Please see below how we communicate at present:
School Newsletter: YSTT publishes a weekly newsletter which is emailed to our primary caregivers. Whānau and caregivers can subscribe to our newsletter by signing up via our website.
Class Newsletters: Each Friday classes publishes their own catch up or breakdown of the week and this is a great way to tune into the happenings in the class for that week as well as upcoming class events.
School Website: This is the one stop shop for information about our school.
PTA Notice Board: This notice board is located at the front of gate of the school. The PTA place information about activities they are organising. PTA information is also included in our weekly newsletters.
HERO App: Please sign up to this app HERO Login it is used to inform you of your child's progress as well as being how we send community texts when urgent communication is necessary. Use the HERO app to notify the school that your child will be absent due to illness or other pressing circumstances.
Emails: All of our YSTT staff are contactable via email.
Telephone 03 342 7933: We do our best to answer the school phone in person during school hours or else we have an answering machine which is checked often.
In Person: All of our staff are approachable and friendly. Sometimes you might need to schedule a time to chat due to the staff having prior commitments but they will chat with you sooner rather than later.