Hero photograph
Photo by Yaldhurst School - Tōtora Tūkaha

Reporting Student Absences

Allan Robertson —

We love all of our students being at school but if due to illness or other reasons they cannot attend it is important to notify the school before 8.55am of the reason for the absence.

Whānau are requested to utilize the YSTT Hero App to leave a text message explaining why a student will be absent from or late to school. This saves whanāu and school administration staff time and has proven to be an effective means of communication. 

All unexplained absences are followed up soon after 9.00am by the YSTT administration staff. 

Therefore it is important that the school office is notified before 8.55 am preferably via the YSTT Hero App or alternatively by phone 342 7933, if your child is going to be absent or late.  

Please notify the school every day your child is away. If your child is absent for any reason other than illness, please inform the school in advance of the dates they will be away.

If your child is absent through illness for more than three days, please provide a doctor’s certificate.

The Ministry of Education monitor student attendance. Based on the Ministry’s attendance guidelines children’s absence are recorded using a number of codes. For example:

= Present

= Late

M = Medical (This refers to students at home sick or in hospital, however unless a Doctor’s note is provided the student will be marked as E)

= Justified absence (This refers to unplanned absence such as a vehicle breakdown, accident or bereavement, and also planned absence such as representation in a national sporting event)

E = Explained but unjustified absence (This includes term time holidays, visiting relatives, children staying at home as their brother or sister is sick)