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COVID-19 Updates & FAQ

Your School Here —

In light of recent cases, this information is to support our whānau with any Covid-19 queries, and what you need to do.

Please note that we are not the “health experts”, but do know that the Ministry of Health may be delayed in providing advice/guidance to you.

Please also note that this information is subject to change, based on any updated guidelines from the Ministry of Education & Health.

We thank you for your continued support.

Who do we advise if my child tests positive for Covid-19?

Please ring the office or email. We will ask you:

  • The name of your child.
  • The date they became unwell.
  • When they had their test.
  • When they received their test result.

What actions does the school take when there is a positive case?

We have rigorous plans in place to both support the family with the positive case and to ensure the health and safety of our tamariki and staff.
Most importantly, anyone at school who is a close contact will be notified and will be given guidance on what to do.

How do we work out who is a Close Contact?

There is detailed guidance around this and a range of criteria. Without going into detail, because our students spend a long time in the same classroom, this then fits the criteria for being a close contact.

My child is a close contact. What does this mean?

This means your child has had contact with a positive case at our school.

They will need to isolate for 7 days and be tested on day #5 (Note – the 7 days start from the date that they were in contact with a positive case at school. Because of the time lag between the confirmed case/test results, this may mean that your child only needs to remain home for a smaller number of days).

The day #5 test is likely when you would receive the notification of being a close contact.

We will advise you further regarding testing and isolation dates if and when necessary.

Do I need to provide anything before my child is able to return to school?

Yes please. For positive Covid cases or close contacts we would like to see the last negative test result please. Note: if your family chooses not to get the Covid test done, then the period of isolation will need to be extended.

A member of our household is a close contact. Can my child still attend school?

Yes, as above. Your child is able to attend school.

We received the letter saying that my child is NOT a close contact. What do I need to do?

Most importantly, your child is still able to attend school.

  • You and your whānau should watch for symptoms.
  • If any develop, get tested immediately.
  • Then, stay at home until you receive the result.
  • Please keep an eye out for school communications.
  • If your whānau hasn’t been vaccinated, please consider doing so as soon as possible.

My child has tested positive for Covid-19. What does this mean?

This will mean that your child will need to isolate. All family members will be close contacts and also need to isolate and be tested.

Ministry of Health will provide more guidance.

A member of our household has tested positive. What does this mean?

This will mean that your child will be a close contact and also needs to isolate. Ministry of Health will provide more guidance.

My child is feeling unwell (e.g. cough, headache, sore throat etc) Can I still send them to school?

These are all symptoms of Covid-19. Please do not send your child to school. While these may be the normal bugs/sniffles that occur, we encourage you to get your child tested.

Is it safe to send my child to school?

Our processes involve working through a detailed contact tracing assessment. If your child is not a close contact, thenBMPS is open for them and we encourage you to send your tamariki to school. As you know, our students have missed a lot of teaching and learning over the past 2 years. We really want to see them at school as much as possible.

Our school health and safety plan for Red does contain a large number of protections.

What are you doing to keep my child safe?

  • As per Ministry of Education guidelines BMPS will remain open for learning.
  • Parents and caregivers will not be allowed on-site except to visit the office for enrolment, uniform and stationery purchases.
  • Tamariki from year 4-6 MUST wear a mask (unless they have an exemption).
  • Children in Y1-3 do not need to wear a mask but are encouraged to wear one.
  • Staff will wear a mask inside and when appropriate outside.
  • Tamariki will be in team bubbles.
  • Wherever practicable tamariki will be physically distanced from other groups, when inside and outside (recognising incidental contact may be impossible to avoid).
  • Tamariki must bring a bottle of water-water fountains are closed.
  • Good hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette will be followed.
  • Classrooms will be well ventilated.
  • High-touch surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected each day.
  • Classes/areas being used will be cleaned thoroughly each day.
  • There will not be any whole school assemblies.
  • Parents/Caregivers can collect their children from outside of the school gates (please ensure that your children know which gate).
  • Children must stay at home if they are unwell.

My child is anxious or scared. What advice do you have?

Our onsite team are working hard to make school fun, safe and a place of learning. We encourage you to focus on the things that they can do to help – mask-wearing, washing hands, getting a test (if required)

This website has some useful tips – https://www.kidshealth.org.nz

My child needs to isolate at home. What support will school provide around teaching and learning?

You will be able to access a learning pack for your child. Tamariki will also be able to access online learning.