Emma Turner — Dec 18, 2017

Have you ever wondered what is going through the employer's mind when you're sitting in an interview? We can’t tell you what they're thinking but we can give you some handy hints to what employers are looking for throughout the interview process. We have created a list of pointers and tips to helping you on your way to interview success!

  1. The first and the most important factor that an employer looks at is the fact of the applicant being nicely presented and well mannered.

  2. Having a bubbly and charismatic personality will help you gain the attention of the employer from the moment you walk in the room.

  3. Enthusiasm towards the job is a key attribute to show when in an interview. You need to show that you want to be there. Always ask questions to remain interested in the conversation that is taking place.

  4. When applying for jobs, you need to show that you are self-directed and responsible as an employee so that the employer can trust you.

  5. Interviewers respect people that come prepared - It is key to have questions ready and know a little bit about the company.

  6. Be yourself! Don’t try and be someone else because the employer will click on to this and in the end.

  7. Look the interviewer in the eyes, do not look at the ground while speaking.

  8. Knowing what you (the interviewee) wants out of a job is the key. It is a commonly asked question in interviews.

  9. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is an important skill to have when applying for jobs. This will also help direct you towards roles that you will suit best.

  10. Have courage within yourself. Believe that you can do it and that if you try hard you will see positive results.

  11. Make sure you stand out from the competition. How are you going to do that? You need to find your own quirk that is different from everyone else. This can be anything from a past job that you have had within the industry or even a talent that not many people carry.

It’s a long list but if you have taken note of a couple and put them into action you will be sure to impress! If you are still looking for employment opportunities we have over 700 opportunities with 76 employers and businesses from across Dunedin. We have an online contact form in which you can get in contact with our employers and organise a meeting to discuss employment opportunities they have on offer. Check out the website to explore opportunities and meet our fantastic Youth-Friendly employers.