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Browns Bay School

IMG 1959 by Teresa Burn

BBS Newsletter 12 March T1W6

Teresa Burn - March 11, 2025

Please support Jakob and World Kidney Day, tomorrow, by adding a splash of bright colour to your school uniform.

Coming Up

  • World Kidney Day - Thursday 13 March - (tomorrow) - Add a splash of colour to your school uniform

  • Junior Outdoor Education Day - Friday 14 March (School Grounds)

  • FOTS Ice Block Sale - Monday 17 March - 3pm (see FOTS section for more info)

  • Whānau Hui - Thursday 20 March - 5.30pm

  • Junior Outdoor Education Day - Friday 21 March - (Save Day)

  • Teacher Only Day - Monday 24 March (School Closed)

  • Cluster Swimming - Thursday 27 March

  • BOT Meeting - Thursday 27 March - 6.30pm (Staffroom)

  • Happy Hats Travelwise Day - Friday 28 March

  • FOTS Meeting - Monday 31 March - 6.30pm (Staffroom)


Principal News

  • World Kidney Day

  • @school App

  • Writer`s Toolbox

  • Teacher Aide Position

School Notices

  • Sports Information 2025 

  • Volunteers Needed for ESOL Reading

Awhi Update

  • Taking Responsibility, Friendship and Respect

  • Students Demonstrating our School Values

Friends of the School/P.T.A

  • FOTS Ice Block Sale

Community Notices

Principal News

World Kidney Day

The video at the top of the newsletter is a message from Jakob Rm 21 who has championed World Kidney Day. Please take 1 minute to hear his story.

On Thursday 13 March, please 'add a splash of colour' to your school uniform.

@school App

@school etap app

Over the last few weeks I have been tracking the number of people checking our school newsletter. Last week we reached well over 800 views. Thank you for continuing to stay connected on whichever platform you are using.

Please remember that you can see past newsletters on the @school app if you have missed any. If you need help with the app the special newsletter is linked here.

eTAP do have a solution for families who have children in different schools. If you have completed the feedback form, Cherie Bibbie will be in contact with you next week. If you have any other issues, please continue to complete the Google form linked here. Cherie will usually get back to you within 7 days.

Writer`s Toolbox

Next term we will start introducing a programme at school called "The Writer's Toolbox." It is part of a structured approach to teaching writing.

Thank you to parents from Year 5 and 6 who indicated they would welcome more information on the online component. We are working on adding a date to our school calendar.

Teacher Aide Position

We are currently advertising for a Teacher Aide at school. The position will be advertised on Seek. If you are interested in the position, please check the Seek website in the next couple of days.

School Notices

Sports Information 2025 

It is wonderful to hear so many stories of children taking part in sporting activities at school.

Please be aware that all information regarding sports is coming out in translatable sports newsletters this year. You will not receive emails asking you to register for individual sports. All information about each sport will be kept up to date on the school website and that is where you go to register for sports. Sports newsletters will come out periodically when there is sports information to share. These will also show in the @school app and copies are loaded on the Sports Section on the school website. There have been 2 sports newsletters already this year. Hopefully this will unclog your inboxes and is in line with other communication changes from the school this year. 

If you have missed any information you can find the special sports newsletter linked here.

Volunteers Needed for ESOL Reading

We are looking for any neighbours of the school or members of the community who might be interested in volunteering an hour of their time once or twice a week to listen to some of our ESOL children read.

Extra reading mileage would be very beneficial for our students. If you are interested or would like any more information, please contact Kylie Coulam (ESOL/Y6 Release Teacher) 

Awhi Update

Taking Responsibility, Friendship and Respect

Our Awhi lesson this week is focussing on our school value Takohanga (Taking Responsibility). Your children have been learning about friendship and how to be a good friend. It would be great to share your positive experiences of making and keeping friends with your children. 

Next week’s lesson goes a little deeper and explores how and why we should respect each other (Maanakitanga). We show respect through our words, body language and the way we treat each other. This can help us to be happy at school, work, or out in the community. 

Students demonstrating our School Values

Senwei Rm 32 and Tiana Rm 16 pictured here have been demonstrating our school values this week and have had a day with Trimper.

Friends of the School/P.T.A

FOTS Ice Block Sale

FOTS is running an Ice Block sale on Monday 17 March after school at 3pm, between the swimming pool and office area. They will be selling lemonade popsicles for $2 each. Kids/adults please bring your cash as there will be no Eftpos available.

The FOTS Team.

Community Notices

Spaces are limited-secure your spot by clicking here.