BBS Newsletter 05 March T1W5
Teresa Burn - March 4, 2025
Coming Up
Y3 (Rms 16/17) Outdoor Education Day (Long Bay) - Thursday 06 March
Y3 (Rms 14/15) Outdoor Education Day (Long Bay) - Friday 07 March
World Kidney Day - Thursday 13 March - Add a splash of colour to your school uniform
Junior Outdoor Education Day - Friday 14 March (School Grounds)
FOTS Ice Block Sale - Monday 17 March - 3pm (Junior Playground)
Junior Outdoor Education Day - Friday 21 March - (Save Day)
Teacher Only Day - Monday 24 March (School Closed)
Cluster Swimming - Thursday 27 March
BOT Meeting - Thursday 27 March - 6.30pm (Staffroom)
Happy Hats Travelwise Day - Friday 28 March
FOTS Meeting - Monday 31 March - 6.30pm (Staffroom)
Principal News
World Kidney Day
Please Use Our School Crossings
Parent/Teacher Conferences
@school App
Knowing if your child is well enough to go to school — guidance for parents and caregivers
Awhi Update
Students Displaying our School Values
Friends of the School/P.T.A
Ice Block Sale
Discretionary Fund
FOTS Meeting
School Events
Happy Hats Travelwise Day
Principal News
World Kidney Day
I have added World Kidney Day on 13 March, to our school calendar. We will be celebrating the day to support one of our students at school. The children will learn about the importance of the day beforehand and on the day we would like children to 'add a splash of colour' to their uniform.
Please Use Our School Crossings
When I am on duty at drop off and pick up times, I often see families crossing Masterton Road away from the school patrols and crossing points. Over the years we have had a number of near misses around school. It is really unsafe.
If your child is in the Junior school and you are crossing Masterton Road, please leave school by the exit near the school office and use the patrolled crossing on your way home.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you to everyone who attended the parent/teacher conferences this week. They were a great chance to connect with your child's teacher and build a strong partnership with the school.
@school App
If you had not previously signed in to the @school App, you should have received your invite to log in. Please make sure that you have logged in and set your preferences for receiving newsletters. This was explained in the special newsletter sent out last week. Please look for the @school App shown above when downloading.
If you have not yet received information, or if you are experiencing problems, please click this link and complete the form. Some requests need to be dealt with by eTAP, so collating all the issues on one form is helping us to sort things quickly.
Thank you for your patience.
Please remember that newsletters will not be emailed home next term. You can choose to have school newsletters/notices emailed to you by setting your preferences. Details on how to do this are in the special newsletter linked above.
Knowing If Your Child Is Well Enough To Go To School — Guidance For Parents And Caregivers
You should keep your child at home from school if they are too sick to learn and need time to rest and recover.
If your child has a fever, you should keep them home until all of these apply:
· Their temperature has returned to normal (less than 38ºC) without needing medicine to reduce it, like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
· They are well and happy within themselves again.
· Your child can return to school after 48 hours (2 days) have passed since the last time they vomited or had diarrhoea.
· You should keep your child at home if they need pain relief to feel comfortable. Pain relief includes Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
Sending your child back to school
As soon as your child is well enough to return to school, it is important that they attend to be with their peers and get back to learning. In general, a doctor’s certificate or clearance should not have to be provided for your child to go back to their school after being unwell.
This information and more can be found on the Health New Zealand website -
Awhi Update
Students displaying our School Values
Congratulations to the students this week who got to look after Trimper for the day because they were noticed demonstrating our school values.
Matthew and Stefanie Rm 16 (pictured top) and Doria Rm 2 pictured here.
School Events
Happy Hats Travelwise Day
Friends of the School/P.T.A
Ice Block Sale
On Monday 17 March, FOTS will be holding an ice block sale after school. Ice-blocks will be on sale for $2 and children will be able to buy them on their way out of school.
Discretionary Fund
It was also agreed at the meeting to open applications for the discretionary funding this term. FOTS retain a percentage of their fundraising for community applications that benefit our students. Recently they have funded additional classroom supplies, supported sports teams and purchased netball hoops for the school. This is in addition to the money donated for the Astroturf.
By clicking this link you can apply for discretionary funding. A FOTS sub-committee will consider applications.
FOTS Meeting
The FOTS team have lots of events planned for the year. You are welcome to come to the next meeting on Monday 31 March at 6.30pm in the staffroom. All confirmed dates are on the School Calendar.
The FOTS Team.
Community Notices