New Enrolments - Click here to enrol your child
Reception Amberley - October 27, 2022
New Enrolments - Click here to enrol your child:
New Entrants (5 Year Olds)
Thank you for enrolling your child at Amberley School. Our Kura operates a cohort entry system with two intakes for new entrants each term. Cohort entry is about helping children to settle better in school. There is evidence that starting school alongside other children helps them build relationships and supports a smoother entry to school life. To help prepare for school we invite you and your child to visit on Wednesday’s between 9.00am to 10.30am. For up to five weeks prior to your child starting school. During this time your child will have the opportunity to meet other students and teachers and join in with a variety of fun activities.
Starting school as a new entrant is a very special time for a family and we want to help make this a smooth and exciting process.
Please do contact us if you have any questions. You can call in at school, ring us on 03-314 8309, or email :
A new parent orientation is held in Week 1 and 6 each Term.
We look forward to meeting you and your child soon!
Transfers from Other Schools:
When the necessary enrolment forms have been completed at the school office, the child will be placed in what is considered to be the correct class level. This will be confirmed when records from the previous school are received. Your child can generally start school the day after enrolment processes are completed.
NOTE: an enrolment form is downloadable from the school website at