Amesbury Notices - 28 January 2025

John MurrihyJanuary 27, 2025

Welcome back to our Amesbury whānau and a special warm welcome to those joining us for the first time ....

Actions Needed:

  1. Book for the Whānau Connection Hui by 7am Monday 27 January

  2. Hats! Bring them to school everyday - no hat, no outside play

  3. Touch Rugby - Registrations close on Sunday 2nd February

What's on this week?

  • Whānau Connection Hui - Monday 27 January

  • First day of school - 9am Tuesday 28 January

  • Mihi Whakatau - 2.15pm Friday 31 January

2025 Whānau Information

All parents should, by now, have received an email from each of your child/rens' whānau teachers with all the information needed to get you started for 2025. If you have not received anything, please contact your child/rens' whānau teacher.

What's on in Term 1, 2025

Here is a list of what events are happening at Amesbury in Term 1.

Additionally, keep this link to our school events calendar handy to see what is going on. It will always be kept up-to-date.

It's a Sunhat Term

Students are required to wear a named Amesbury School sunhat when outside during Terms 1 and 4 - this includes during all breaks and while outside during school time. Sunhats are $15.00 and can be purchased via Kindo - the online school shop. Please order in advance so there's time to collect and clearly label before they are needed. Orders can take up to 24 hours to be processed. Orders submitted overnight and in the morning before school starts will not be issued or available to collect until after 2.30pm. Children without sun hats will need to stay in the designated shaded areas during break times.

Mihi Whakatau - 2.15pm on Friday

All of our Amesbury whānau are invited along to this term's Mihi Whakatau being held in the hall on Friday (31 January) commencing at 2.15pm. We have a small group of new ākonga and kaiako joining the Amesbury whānau.

Co-curricular Lessons

All students who are continuing with their co-curricular lessons in Term 1 have already secured their places by paying their invoices. Particularly with last year's Year 6s having left we have spaces available in all of our lessons, although some are limited and we have a first come - first served policy.

If you know nothing about the lessons please read the Co-curricular Lessons article and also our webpage. Please email John ( if you have any questions or you wish to sign your child up. It really is as easy as that.

Touch Rugby - Registrations close Sunday 2 February

If your tamariki are interested in playing touch rugby this term for a school team please read the info in Rupert's Notice and fill in a registration. Don't dally because registrations close on Sunday 2 February. Coaches are also required if you are in a position to help out.

If you have any questions please contact Rupert ( directly.

Kelly Club

Happy new year everyone and welcome back. It is so good to see all of you again.

Next week's theme is "we are back!" I hope you are ready for all the fun we have planned - we will be playing handball, catch the tennis ball and of course some arts and crafts.

Kelly Club Weekly Activity List for Term 1 2025

Community Notices

Churton Park Community Newsletter
The latest Churton Park Community Newsletter is out and here's the link if you haven't already received a copy.

FREE Treasure hunt in Churton Park - 1st & 2nd of Feb
To celebrate the Chinese New Year, a treasure hunt has been organised in the Lakewood Reserve and is running during the hours of daylight.

Churton Park Community - Waitangi Day

Northern Suburbs Netball

Northern Suburbs Netball has a number of Committee Members and Programme Co-ordinators to fill. If you are interested, please make contact.

Kenpo Karate

New Classes Starting January – Enrolments Open Now. Get 2 weeks Martial Arts Training Days PLUS Uniform for only $47 – (Total Value $108).

At Family Martial Arts Academy we aim to strike the perfect balance between the right techniques and general good martial arts practice – all of it targeted through our unique-in-Wellington and perfectly targeted age specific programs: Kid Dragons for kids aged 5 to 7 and Kids Kenpo Leadership Programme for ages 8 to 12.

We are delighted to start offering our program in Tawa starting January 27th 2025! Classes are on Monday afternoons at Tawa School hall at 4pm and 4:30pm respectively.


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