Andersons Bay School Newsletter - 9 December 2022

Review our Policies and Procedures

by Principal Anderson's Bay School

Our school works with SchoolDocs to maintain, update and review our policies and procedures. Parents can access our school's policies and procedures through the SchoolDocs website:

You will need to log on with the following details:

  • username: andybay
  • password: jeffery

This term the school community is invited to review and comment on the following policies:

  1. Health, Safety and Welfare;
  2. Alcohol/Drugs and other Harmful Substances;
  3. Digital Technology and Cybersafety; and
  4. School Swimming Pool.


by Jenny Larson

Andersons Bay School - Kids TRYathlon and Fun Day Stall Helpers We need stall helpers on the day (Sunday 26th February) so if you are available to help on a stall please email Stall Sponsorship If you have a business that would like to sponsor a stall at the Kids TRYathlon and Fun Day, we will have the following stalls: Coffee & Scones, Bacon Butties, Sausage Sizzle & Ice Cream Spiders Please email for more information. Keen Bakers or Baking Donations We will be asking for donations closer to the date so please help if you can. -- Andersons Bay School PTA 03 454 4413

Image by: Jenny Larson