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Our BSDA School Fees

Balmoral SDA School - December 31, 2024

Attendance Dues Special Character Donation Other costs

The New Zealand government has offered schools the opportunity to eliminate school donations by opting into the Donations Scheme. We want to make sure you are aware that the Ministry of Education guidelines make it clear that for State Integrated Schools such as the Adventist school your child attends, charges and donations can be made by the Proprietor.

Attendance Dues

​For 2025, the Attendance Dues charged by Adventist Schools are $630.00 per child, per year for Primary students (Years 0-8). Parents need to have a term's dues up-to-date before commencing the next term unless payment arrangements have been made with the school.

Attendance Dues are a legal requirement, a condition of enrolment, not a donation and therefore not tax deductible. By signing the Commitment to Pay Attendance Dues form, you are making a legal commitment to pay these obligations on time.

Special Character Donation

​Adventist Schools do ask for a special character donation and will continue to do so, as this allows us to: fund Christian professional development, develop faith-based curriculum resources, fund resource development and training, provide robust monitoring and evaluating of preserving this special character in our school. The amount is $25.00 per term (this amount reduces if more than one child at school i.e $100.00 first child, $75 second child etc...)

Special Character contributions are tax-deductible donations and entirely voluntary.

For further information contact 0800 4 MY DUES (0800 469 383) or email:

Other costs

Class Stationery - This is paid directly to Warehouse Stationery, see website for more information on prices and ordering

School Uniform - This is paid directly to NZ Uniform (Penrose store) see website for more information on prices and ordering

Sport teams - We may request sport fees to cover our transport costs/registration fees when required throughout the year as this is a non-curriculum related cost. Each sport event is $20.00 per child/per event.