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STRIKE - School Closure Thursday 16th March 2023

Board of Trustees - March 10, 2023

Kia ora Whānau,

The Carisbrook School Board of Trustees wants to acknowledge our support for our teaching staff as they negotiate better conditions for teachers, students and schools. 

The Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement expired in June 2022 and since then teachers have been negotiating and bargaining with the government. It has come to the point where strike action for teachers has been confirmed for Thursday March 16th. 

So, as parents it’s fair to have a few questions around this and we hope this letter provides some further clarity. While many see the negotiations as a ‘pay offer’ there is so much more to it than that. We have had the same funding model in place in education for the last 25 years.

There are many changes that have happened within the teaching profession over these years and resourcing for schools has not kept up. Furthermore, we are seeing more children coming into our schools with specific and sometimes complex needs. These things combined have resulted in teachers not being able to do their jobs in the best way they know how.

Teachers are being stretched to their capacity.
So, what are teachers asking for?

  1. More sustainable classroom ratios - teachers and schools want smaller class sizes. Interestingly, the same sized primary and secondary schools don’t receive the same staffing entitlements. There was no provision from the government to reduce class sizes in the latest offer. 
  2. Increased classroom release time to ensure teachers are equipped to be at their best. Primary teachers would like the same entitlement as their secondary colleagues. 
  3. Increased funding for specialised support staff, including teacher aides. Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour (RTLBs), Learning Support Coordinators (LSCs) and Special Education Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) are specialist and experienced teachers who come into our schools and work closely with students who need learning and behavioural support. While this supports individuals it also supports the rest of the class to learn and the teachers to teach all students more effectively. 
  4. Increased management staffing entitlement to support professional leadership There are issues with management and leadership funding within primary and secondary schools - it isn’t equitable.
  5. Support to recruit and retain staff. Teachers often feel undervalued, and they’re worried that young people are seeing the workload and burnout which will put them off entering the sector and/or staying in the profession. 
  6. A pay rise that reflects inflation and values teachers mahi. 

The Carisbrook Board of Trustees support our teachers with the complex and specialist mahi that they do everyday. We trust them to ensure that all of our children reach their full potential.

By supporting the strike action of teachers we are ensuring that the students within our school are getting the best outcomes possible because we know that better conditions for teachers results in better outcomes for children.

Considering the above, Carisbrook School will be closed for instruction on Thursday 16th March.

Collective bargaining holds children at the heart of negotiations. Teachers are fighting for your tamariki to have the best conditions to learn and thrive in and the Carisbrook School Board of Trustees wholeheartedly supports that kaupapa.

Thank you to our school community for your continued support. 

Kā mihi nui, 

Carisbrook School Board of Trustees 

- adapted from Fairfield School notification.