School Information
We take pride in our school uniform here at Carisbrook. It is a smart design using our main school colour of Blue with some detailing in White and features our logo proudly. We offer a range of items to allow students to feel warm in the Dunedin winters, materials that stay cool in the summer and are flexible for all activities!
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PLAY IS THE WAY® is a practical methodology for teaching social and emotional skills using guided play, classroom activities and an empowering language. It is a process that gives primary schools a way to develop, improve and entrench the personal and social capabilities of students.
Carisbrook School is focussed on providing opportunities and support for students to reach their full potential.
Policy and Procedures: In order to carry out effective governance of Carisbrook School the Carisbrook School Board of Trustees has developed the following policy framework. This framework outlines the roles and responsibilities of relevant parties and participants. This policy framework clearly distinguishes the contributions of the governing body (Board of Trustees) from the Carisbrook School management (Principal and/or delegates).
Find out more about our classrooms to help you find your way around our facilities. Each block is named after a Māori God and within each block is a group of classes.
Our School motto is, 'Seek excellence together' our vision statement is,'At Carisbrook School we seek excellence together to foster, confident, inquiring, active, lifelong learners'.
Carisbrook School is designed as a modern learning environment and is being used as an example for the development of other schools throughout New Zealand.
Karene Scott
We have school hats for sale for $2 from the office. All students are to wear a hat at morning tea and lunchtime while in the playground during terms 1 and 4.
Our awesome team of staff are trained and specialise in a range of different areas. Please see the list below of our team for this year.
A working document involving our vision, mission statement, our values and their associated action.
Bruce James
Please find attached, the financial report from last year.
The Duffy Foundation's Vision is “To inspire a love of books in Duffy children so they become adults who inspire a love of reading.”
Carisbrook School offers a Bus service within a zone to collect students prior to school and to take them home for parents/caregivers who may not have easy access to transport.
Some rights reserved Carisbrook School , 2024