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Technology comes to Carisbrook!

Lauren Pugh - May 25, 2020

Thanks to The Lion Foundation Grants scheme, Carisbrook School was able to secure $15,000 to purchase some Digital Technology to incorporate into our school programme! This is some vital (and awesome) exposure for our 21st Century learners.

Over the lockdown we were able to purchase some fantastic gear to be used all over the school. This will help us not only teach the new Digital Technologies Curriculum but also enhance our other curriculum areas such as maths, literacy, science, arts etc. 

With a focus on 21st Century Learning, we now have the ability to expose Carisbrook Students to a wide range of technology such as programmable drones, Lego Robotics, Bluebots, Spheros, MakeyMakeys, Micro:Bits, OSMOs and some professional filming gear. 

Our senior students have been having some serious fun learning about some of our new equipment! Since returning to school, they have been having a go with the Bluebots and Makey Makeys. They have been working on designing activities to introduce the concepts of basic programming, coding and circuits to the junior students and staff this term. 

Over the coming weeks, our senior students will be learning about the new technology following the Te ao Māori philosophy of Tuakana Teina (Elders teaching the younger) as they run peer tutoring for our younger students and even run some staff meetings to get us all up to scratch! 

On behalf of Carisbrook School we extend great thanks to the Lion Foundation who have allowed us to purchase this equipment for our school. What a great difference this will make to our tamariki as we move through an ever changing technological world. 

The Lion Foundation - Here for good!