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Christchurch Catholic Kāhui Ako - Te Māra Akoranga Katorika



East and Central Hub Cultural Festival

by Chrystie Woods & Josh Halkett

To end a busy term, Catholic Cathedral College hosted a fantastic cultural festival for the east/central hub Kahui Ako schools.

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Southwest - Kāhui Tonga-Mā-Uru Hub Inter-school Speech Competition

by Danielle Marston

Congratulations to all of our brave ākonga who were selected to represent their year group in our first inter-school speech competition.

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Year 9 Student STEM Challenges at Villa Maria


Planned STEM challenges as part of the Year 9 Tātai arorangi unit, including numeracy and literacy activities.

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Hard Copy Resource Taonga

by Chrystie Woods & Josh Halkett

The East/Central ASLs have visited all 15 kura to present the incredible Kete Pūrākau resources that have been made.

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Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

by Mel Clease

My language is my awakening, my language is the window to my soul.

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Ranginui rāua ko Papatῡānuku in Action

by Trish Noble

The integration of Science, Te Reo Maori, The Arts, Digital Literacy

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A Cultural Journey

by Melissa Clease

St. Joseph's journey to being more culturally responsive.

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Culture and Connection

by Charlotte Morgan

This term the Hillary Hub has been learning about the story of Ki-o-Rahi and its significance and connection to Ōtautahi and themselves.

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Pūrākau resources are going to print!

by East Hub

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A Love of Learning

by Jess Coad

Literacy, Storytelling and Te waka o Aoraki in Action.

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STEM at St Thomas of Canterbury College

by Dean Smith

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Integrated learning through connections, culture and Catholic values.

by Chris Leader

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Thinking Like a Scientist

by Trish Noble and Tim Kearns

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Delivering Local Curriculum

by Nick Grant

Te Kōrero o te Whāriki Tuna, the story of the eel mat. By Nick Grant

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Janelle Riki-Waaka and Dallas Wichman presentations

by East Hub

Also, it's time for Kī-o-rahi. Ka mau te wehi! Awesome!

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Finished landscape waka art by Room 5, St Anne's

Exploring the Story of Aoraki and our Kāhui Resource

by Josh Halkett

This term I challenged myself to go all out on using the resource of ‘Te Waka o Aoraki’ in my planning.

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Mahinga Kai and Place Names Around the Motu

by Josh Halkett

This term St Anne’s has been using elements from our Kāhui Ako’s Aoraki story resource.

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Ako Time & Matariki

by Simone Greenwood and Awhi Clarke

Villa Maria College took the opportunity to use Ako time to give students a better understanding and appreciation of Matariki.

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Better Start Literacy Approach at St. Mary's Primary School.

by Nicola Anthony

We have been on the Better Start Literacy Approach (BSLA) for 1 term. It has been a complete change of mindset for teachers, children, and parents alike.

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Gaseous Exchanges

by Nā Mareta Togiaso me Debbie Bergin

Celebrating SCIENCE at St. James.

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Another example of great collaboration and sharing among our Kaiako in the Kāhui Ako

by SW Hub

Resources by Bernie Davison (Science teacher and WSL at Villa Maria College) Delivered by Jess Coad (WSL) and the fantastic staff at St Mary's.

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Storytelling in action

by East Hub

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Batten Team's Change Unit by Nick Grant

by Danielle Marston

Change happens for a variety of reasons and the outcome may offer challenges and/or opportunities.

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Maths Successes across our Kahui Ako

by Julie Maxwell

Take a look at the fantastic work happening in the area of Maths across our Kahui Ako...

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Oscar Schindler's grave in Jerusalem.

World Holocaust Remembrance Centre

by Megan Martin

In January 2019, I went to Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Centre, located in Jerusalem, Israel, to study pedagogical approaches to the Holocaust. I was selected for this unique Professional Development along with 29 other History teachers, as part of an initiative run by the Holocaust Centre of New Zealand in tandem with Yad Vashem.

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Holding True to the Treaty

by Josh Halkett

“The curriculum acknowledges the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the bicultural foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand. All students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge of te reo Māori me ōna tikanga.” NZC

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A Peer Reading Program at St Bede's

by Callum Wilson

I’m actually starting to understand what I’m reading”, “…my confidence in reading has defiantly got a lot better and the different words that were in the stories each week has really expanded my vocabulary”

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St Anne's

Not Just Another Story

by Josh Halkett

Why do stories from more than 4000 years ago still captivate modern audiences? There is something innately human about engaging in storytelling. As teachers, we can tap into that for our advantage.

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Thumbs Up

"Forces" and "Nature" at Villa

by SW hub

Bernadette Davison shares some of the ways the Science Capabilities are being leveraged at Villa Maria College

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Student Agency, Wellbeing and Engagement

Student Agency, Wellbeing and Engagement Teacher Led Innovation Fund Project

by Megan Martin

The purpose of a Teacher-led Innovation Fund is to provide funding for groups of teachers to develop innovative practice in order to improve learning outcomes, particularly for Māori students, Pasifika students, those with special education needs and those from low socio-economic backgrounds. Central to the purpose of the Teacher-led Innovation fund is the sharing of effective practice.

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Nature Agents

by Mareta Pelenato & Debbie Bergin

Agent Double O - 7, Licensed to school. The students at St James School, Aranui have been learning Science through various environmental projects.

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Video: Solo and Discovery

SOLO Taxonomy

by Angela Gilligan & Karen Burt

At SJS Papanui we are focusing on quality teaching and learning. Part of this is implementing SOLO Taxonomy school-wide.

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