by Chrystie Woods

Janelle Riki-Waaka and Dallas Wichman presentations

Also, it's time for Kī-o-rahi. Ka mau te wehi! Awesome!

On Tuesday 26th October, Janelle Riki-Waaka and Dallas Wichman presented at Villa Maria College to all schools in the Catholic Kāhui Ako.

Janelle discussed the importance of how to measure success and communicate this with ākonga and whānau, as well as how important it is for ākonga and whānau to feel they belong in a kura. Dallas followed this presentation with what this could look like, sharing examples and practices from St Anne’s, his personal journey and the Kāhui’s journey.

The amazing Kī-o-rahi resource is ready! Most schools have had one of us in to share this with them. The resource covers the main themes: Te pūrākau (the story); the common rules for Kī-o-rahi; tikanga for hui; Language for sports in te reo Māori and Taonga Tākaro (action games). Such a great way to end Term 4, out in the sun having loads of fun playing Kī-o-rahi! Also, your ākonga and kaiako will pick up heaps of te reo Māori and tikanga too!

A huge shout out to Dallas who mowed lawns and Tango, who visited schools to support both ākonga and kaiako to learn the rules and play Kī-o-rahi.


Give it heaps! Go for it!

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