by Danielle Marston

Culture and Connection

This term the Hillary Hub has been learning about the story of Ki-o-Rahi and its significance and connection to Ōtautahi and themselves.

Each student was given two feathers to create an art piece on. The artwork depicts two aspects of their lives.

One feather is about their past, whānau and present day.

The second feather represents their future dreams and ambitions.

Students connected this to our school theme of Relationships that have connections and consequences.

“I have created these feathers to add to the Hillary Hub Ki-o-rahi mural.

This feather on the left represents the future and what I hope my life to be like when the time comes. The feather on the right represents the past/present and what significant things have happened throughout my life.” Joshua.

“I have created two feathers to add to the Hillary Hub Ki-o-rahi mural.

The feather on the left represents the Past and the feather on the right represents the future. On the left feather, it shows how I used to play netball and I went camping every year with my family. I also did art class for around 2 months at the start of 2021.The feather on the right shows that I hope to get better at Art, I will be going to Villa Maria high school, and I will have my own House and maybe even a job related to Art.” Sophia.

Together they have come together to create the beautiful pouākai called Namu. 

In term two, we will be continuing our learning about the sory of Ki-o-rahi and how it encourages us to stand strong in this world and how we should always remember who we are and where we came from.

We hope to learn the important tikanga and values of the story that will help us to build strong connections and work productively.

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