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"Forces" and "Nature" at Villa

Bernadette Davison shares some of the ways the Science Capabilities are being leveraged at Villa Maria College

Science capabilities: Gather data, interpret representations, engage with science.

Context: Climate Change and Renewable energy (wind farms).

Electricity is one of our Year 10 topics and I have added resources to try to enhance engagement and achievement of students, particularly Māori and Pasifika. I have a focus group that I speak to and we discuss the type of activities they find rewarding.

My starter to the topic is imagining there was no electricity, how would you eat, heat, communicate, shower, entertain etc.? Two of my Pasifika students explained that some parts of their home islands do not have (regular) electricity. I discussed some ideas with these students which lead to me introducing work on wind turbines (based on a resource from Siemans).

We watched a clip on the impact of climate change on Pacific Islands and then did a problem solving activity determining which type of renewable energy would be most suitable for particular communities. Then the students made a working model of a wind turbine and used it to generate electricity (from Exploratorium).

We did a role play debate about the planned location of a new wind farm, with various stakeholders; local residents, environmentalists, farmers, councillor and a holiday park owner. The students were very engaged in this work.

I then explained that consultation with tangata whenua is typically required to identify the extent of potential cultural effects of a wind farm proposal, and the students wrote an additional debate role play card to represent the local iwi.

Some student examples:

Local Iwi
Local Iwi 2

Year 10 Forces

Science capabilities: Gather data, interpret representations, engage with science.

Again, to try to stimulate interest and engagement I introduced some new activities to this unit.

The students were given some materials and had to design and make a balloon powered ‘car’. One of the students in my focus group was the first to understand how to allow the wheels to turn using a straw. Her group also managed the second furthest distance. We used these models to measure speed and discussed F=ma.

Later, when studying friction we made a very simple hovercraft model with a CD ROM, pump bottle top and a balloon.

We also examined the clothes, helmet and posture used by cyclists to reduce drag, and forces on the neck when texting, (euengage).

Forces 1
Forces 2

Bernadette Davison is a within school leader from Villa Maria College

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