by Julie Maxwell

Maths Successes across our Kahui Ako

Take a look at the fantastic work happening in the area of Maths across our Kahui Ako...

St James - Mareta and Debbie

Intervention: ALIM

Outcome: Increased progress by struggling students

Curriculum foundation: Numeracy Project

Outcome: excellent achievement by Pasifika students

CCC - Fern

Intervention: ALIM

Outcome: Increased progress by struggling students

Strategy: Using PaCT tasks as starters

Expected Outcome: Better understanding by teachers of where students are at and progress being made

Strategy: Fern has made amazing wooden puzzles

Outcome: Increased engagement, improved problem solving, kinaesthetic learning.

St Mary’s - Jess

Strategy: Self Directed Learning

Jess is creating engaging projects in meaningful contexts.

Expected outcome: Increased engagement, increased self management and problem solving.

Villa Maria College - Lisa

Inquiry: PBL

Lisa has created projects which provide great coverage of many Maths skills in one project that is in a familiar context

Expected outcome: Increased engagement of learners

St Joseph’s Rangiora - Peter

Strategy: PaCT in Maths.

Specifically: Relating assessments to PaCT

Expected outcomes:

Less assessment required over time

Better understanding by teachers of where students are at and progress being made

St Thomas’ - All teachers of Year 9

Strategy: PaCT in Maths and Writing

Expected outcome: Better understanding by teams of teachers of where students are at and progress being made.







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