Hard Copy Resource Taonga
The resources developed by the Kāhui Ako have been specifically designed to support teachers and students to increase their use of tikanga, mātauranga and te reo Māori.
We were impressed by the hui tikanga that each school used to welcome us and to receive these taonga.
We surveyed schools to see what resources they have used, were using and what kaupapa they found most useful. This survey highlighted that kaimahi and ākonga are thoroughly enjoying using these resources and growing their confidence and skills in te reo Māori, te Ao Māori, tikanga and mātauranga Māori.
Below is some feedback we received from a couple of our Kāhui kura.
“Your resources have been wonderfully supportive and have so much depth in them that they will continue to grow our knowledge for many years to come. This week I wrote our prayers of faithful in Maori and feel very proud of myself. Even more proud of the Year 7/8 children who jumped at the opportunity to read them at Mass. Thank you and your team so much for your hard mahi!”
“We were all blown away by the quality (and quantity) of these resources and excited by the way they will enhance our planning and teaching. Having our local stories form an authentic and meaningful foundation to build our curriculum upon is just perfect. We have been inspired already and all enjoyed the integrated ideas last term... and we look forward to exploring further possibilities using the other legends and the support materials!!”
Thank you to all the Kāhui schools for your kind words. The biggest support you can give us and your ākonga is using these resources as much as possible, as well as reaching out to us if you need any support with delivering any of the kaupapa and to engage with some of the field trip opportunities.
Whakawahā te riri, karawhiua! Get amongst it, give it heaps!