by Danielle Marston

STEM at St Thomas of Canterbury College

My focus within my Community of Learning role for 2021 has been building engagement and achievement in STEM (Years 7-9) through a consistent and clear approach. My Community of Learning role involves working with a team of teachers to facilitate a STEM programme. The STEM programme involves creating a programme that connects across the curriculum areas of Science, Mathematics and Technology. Within these subjects, the focus is providing an engaging programme that is consistent across all classes and builds student achievement.

How have we developed our programme to meet the needs of our students?

Each term, we ask for feedback from our students on how they have engaged in the term and if they have experienced success in the classroom? The use of feedback has helped develop our programme as a tool to understand how our learners are engaging in the learning opportunities. Moving forward with the programme, we have adapted learning tasks for 2022 based on the feedback we have received this year. Across the board, our feedback has been meaningful and purposeful.

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