Thinking Like a Scientist
Our tamariki LOVE Science! So here at OLV we have been engaged in professional learning over the last few years in order to fine-tune our skills and knowledge around teaching Science.
We are endeavouring to keep our curriculum focus on The Nature of Science and on the Capabilities. Dr Debra Dawson, our ASL, has been working closely with us to keep us on track!
Debra supports us to use the Thinking with Evidence Assessment tool with our older students. She analyses the results of this annually so we can track progress and identify gaps.
She then engages with both the Junior and Senior Teams during the planning process. Her expertise enables us to prepare relevant and authentic learning experiences.
The Juniors looked specifically at Engage with Science as our capability, at how the knowledge of physical science helps to meet needs in society. Simple Machines was used as our context, thinking about how they make work easier for us, solve problems and help us have fun around home and school. Solving the everyday problem of moving heavy weights was used to launch our topic.
The Air Force Museum provided a great programme to support this learning too.
Throughout our Inquiry, ‘thinking like a scientist’ was highlighted and children were encouraged to ask questions, observe, work together, share ideas, investigate and….. Some great picture books from our Upper Riccarton Librarian helped to reinforce these skills and attitudes.
Senior 1 Class (Year 6/7) were thrilled to welcome Dr. Debra Dawson to Our Lady of Victories School to lead some sessions in the area of Electricity. Dr. Dawson worked with our senior team teachers to create a thorough unit plan which focused on the capabilities of 'communication in science - using science vocabulary' and 'engaging with science.' In our lessons the students were encouraged to make observations, use evidence to explain what they saw, and to use the language of science.
Dr. Dawson led the children in some electrical experimentation, with a particular focus on creating circuits, through which we learnt about electrons and electrical current, and understanding the difference between conductors and insulators. She brought with her a range of electrical equipment from Villa Maria College which allowed the children to experiment and .......have fun.
See attached document for the full article and photos in action!