Southwest - Kāhui Tonga-Mā-Uru Hub Inter-school Speech Competition
This year the Southwest Hub primary schools gathered together for an inter-school speech competition.
Students from Year 5 to Year 8 wrote persuasive speeches and then delivered these to their peers at their own schools. The top student in each year group was selected and went on to represent their school as a finalist on the day.
The competition was hosted by Our Lady of the Assumption School in Week 2 of Term 4. Students from St Peter's, St Bernadette's, Our Lady of Victories and Our Lady of the Assumption competed against each other.
Public speaking is never an easy task, but these young students showed amazing skill in the delivery of their speeches. It was great to hear students speak on a variety of topics and present them with such confidence and conviction.
We also really appreciated having three Villa Maria College senior students volunteer their time to judge this competition. It was a wonderful experience for everyone involved. Congratulations to all speech presenters and to those who were nominated for first place in their year group. Nga mihi kia koe mo tautoko.