by Josh Halkett

Mahinga Kai and Place Names Around the Motu

This term St Anne’s has been using elements from our Kāhui Ako’s Aoraki story resource.

Room 5 has focused on mahinga kai as a way to help understand the importance of the places around Te Waka o Aoraki.

We started by learning the story of Aoraki, then looking at the landscapes of the South Island. Then we discussed what can be found here from mountains, rivers, forests, wetlands, to animal species and even towns. When students were ready we introduced the Kāi Tahu atlas ‘Ka Huru Manu’ to look up places and their cultural importance.

We are currently exploring the species that live in Te Ihutai (estuary) and how important they are for mahinga kai. In reading, art and science we have looked at kuaka as a focus species. There are great resources out there to support this learning from DOC, School Journals, and Avon-Heathcote Estuary Ihutai Trust. My students also painted wooden kuaka (given to us by the Ihutai Trust) to leave as an art trail behind our school.

The trips that were planned for our class that were interrupted, canceled or postponed due to lock down included: Art Gallery Education programme to learn about Canterbury landscape art and Māori motifs to help merge the two similar to Kelcy Taratoa, A Gondola trip to get a great view of the landscape and hear stories of the Port Hills, Canterbury Museum visit for two of their geology lessons related to the formation of landscapes and mountains, a walking visit to the local estuary and learn about mahinga kai and the conservation efforts there. Lots of these have been rescheduled for Term 4 so we can continue to provide exciting and relevant experiences to support the ideas brought up by knowing the importance of the story of Aoraki. 

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