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Hobby Horses

Cheviot Area School Show Day Friday 11th March

Office at Cheviot - March 3, 2022

As part of promoting our healthy school culture and the school being part of the Cheviot community, it has been decided that we celebrate the cancelled Cheviot Show and run our own version.

WHEN:  Friday, 11th March from 11-30am - 1pm

WHERE: This will be held on the school grounds. Activities will be spread out around the school.

THEME: Turangawaewae - our special place and community spirit

Children come dressed in house colours.

Below are the sections available.


  • Photography - your special place explaining why

  • Baking - Year 1-6
    x1 decorated cupcake
    x1 decorated iced biscuit
    x1 decorated hard boiled egg in egg cup
    Year 7 up
    x2 scones plain
    wedge of homemade pizza
    x2 pieces of uncooked chocolate fudge

  • Vegetable - biggest, ugliest

  • Flowers - 1 bloom - roses/dahlias/cut flowers

  • Fashion show - Hippie/Flower power

  • Lego creation

  • Creative creatures - recycled materials - cardboard and paper, paint

  • Crafts - needlework/patchwork/homemade cards

  • Hobby horses (broom or stick)
    Best turned out hobby horse
    Flat classes - best paced and mannered
    Best rider - age groups
    Show jumping - hobby horse
    Barrel racing - hobby horse

  • Young farmers competition - wool competition

All winners will be awarded house points. Let’s make this a special day. 

Again due to Covid no visitors allowed. Students bring their entries on the Friday morning.

Any enquiries please see Mrs Loughnan or Mrs van Reenan