Accessible version
by Catherine Bartlett

School Uniform

Christ the King - September 20, 2023

The school uniform is able to be purchased from Mainland Uniform on Ilam, Shop 6, 376 Ilam Road, Bryndwr. Phone 351 7666

All children from Year 4 up require a school PE uniform by the end of Week 1, Term 1.

All students require the school sun hat.

We expect all children to take a pride in their uniform, and in line with school policy we insist that children wear the correct uniform everyday.

Generally, the summer uniform is worn during terms one and four, and the winter uniform, terms two and three. The uniform changeover date is at the discretion of the Principal.

Summer Uniform

The summer uniform is worn in Terms 1 and 4.

Girls may wear the culottes however a pinafore is compulsory for any formal events. Children will need to hunt out their sunhats ready for day one.


• Catholic Schools' pinafore bib front and permanent pencil pleated skirt (bib front optional for Y7 and Y8 only)

• Catholic Schools’ tartan culottes.

• Plain white short sleeved blouse

• School polar fleece, V-neck jersey or cardigan (Northcote Wine)

• Plain white ankle socks

• Open sandals (black, brown or navy blue) may be worn in Summer

• Regulation black or brown shoes.


• Grey shorts (Summer grade)

• Grey short sleeved shirt (Summer grade)

• School polar fleece or V-neck jersey (Northcote Wine)

• Grey ankle socks

• Open sandals (black, brown or navy blue) may be worn in Summer

• Regulation black or brown shoes

Winter Uniform


• Catholic Schools' bib front and permanent pleated skirt (bib front optional for Y7 and Y8 only)

• Navy blue skivvy or plain white long sleeved blouse

• School polar fleece V-neck jersey or cardigan (Northcote Wine)

• Navy blue tights or navy socks

• Regulation navy track pant may be worn as an option during Winter

• Regulation brown/black shoes

• Christ the King School Beanie


• Grey shorts (Winter grade)

• Navy blue skivvy or grey shirt (Winter grade)

• Regulation navy track pant may be worn as an option during Winter

• school polar fleece or V-neck jersey (Northcote Wine)

• Grey socks with maroon-blue-maroon striped top.

• Regulation brown/black shoes

• Christ the King School Beanie

Dress Uniform Boys

• Winter grey shorts/long sleeved white shirt (may be borrowed from school)

• red school tie (provided by school)

• regulation socks and shoes.

Dress Uniform Girls

• Catholic Schools pleated pinafore (bib front optional for Y7 & Y8 only)

• plain long sleeved white blouse (may be borrowed from school)

• red school tie (provided by school)

• navy tights/navy socks, regulation shoes.

Sports Uniform Boys And Girls, Y4-8 Only

(Not required by Junior School children).

• CTK T-shirt (only available for purchase at school office).

• Navy shorts

• Navy Nylon Track Pant (School tex brand only as an option during winter only

• Sneakers.

• Appropriate swimwear.

For Children In School Sports Teams

School jerseys are provided for rugby, hockey and soccer players plus boys playing netball. Bibs and tops are provided for all netball players plus school skirts for netball girls. A hire fee is charged annually for these sports uniforms. All school sports uniforms are to be returned clean at the end of the season or a charge for full recovery costs will be made. 

Other Items Related To The Uniform

NOT Approved - Necklaces, Neck chains, Rings, Make-up, Nail varnish, Bracelets, Keepers (rings in ears), Body piercing with studs, other than one small stud per ear, Sports socks (except for sports)


Hair ties - Maroon, Navy, (ties include clips, bands, scrunchies, baubles, ribbons etc. any of which are to be compatible with the uniform.) 

Stud - one small, per ear.

Medical bracelets.


Hair longer than collar length is to be tied back.

"Remarkable" hair cuts are not encouraged.

All of the Christ the King School uniform

can be purchased at:

• Mainland at Ilam, 405 11am Road,

Bryndwr, Phone 351 7666. This store

stocks all of the monogrammed items.

• Mainland Uniforms, 511 Wairakei Road,

Phone 360 3037

A small quantity of second hand uniforms are

available for sale at the school. Please contact

the school office for further information

It is very important all items of uniform are clearly named.