Cantamath 2021
Joanna Mangin - November 24, 2021
We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful efforts of our Senior Syndicate students during our school based Cantamath competition. Unfortunately Covid-19 prevented the Canterbury Mathematics Association from holding their annual competition this year. However, our students had already completed their projects which included static models, dynamic models, posters, games and puzzles, photographic displays, written work and publicity motifs. Our two teams who were entered in the teams event had also spent many hours solving a range of word problems in preparation for this competition.
The certificates being held in the photograph were awarded to the students who would have competed in either the teams event or the display section had this year's competition gone ahead. We would like to acknowledge Fintan Creagh for his design of the certificate and Avie Tonido for her art work on the certificate.
Congratulations to everyone involved.