Parents' Association — Jun 16, 2022

All stubs (sold or unsold) must be returned to the office by Monday, 20th June so that a complete draw can be made on Thursday, 23rd June 2022.

All 5,000 raffle tickets have been issued to families and we have been overwhelmed by the positive response to selling them.

As you know, each raffle book consists of five $5 tickets, each ticket providing an opportunity to win one of five draws of prizes. The books have stubs to record the purchaser details and tear-off tickets to give to the purchaser.

Below is a reminder of the procedure:

If you have any queries or If you wish to receive and sell further raffle books, please email the school office 

We appreciate the support of the Columba College community in making this a successful fundraising venture.

- Columba College Parents’ Association