Principal Pānui - Week 7 2023
Tēnā Koutou Katoa,
Today marks the anniversary of the senseless attacks on the Linwood and Al Noor Mosques. These attacks shattered the lives of many and our thoughts are with them today.
Autumn is upon us and a noticeable change in the morning and evening has been noticed in the Smith house. I hope you feel that your child has settled into some normality around the school year and are enjoying the opportunities offered at Cotswold Mātāhae School.
We conducted a planned evacuation at school today. Our staff and students did a fantastic job of assembling in an orderly manner on the field. We will arrange another practice next Term.
I myself are now beginning to feel more comfortable in the seat and a large part of this has been the welcoming nature of the entire community. The tamariki continue to impress me with their manners and consideration of adults and peers around them.
Congratulations to our competitors at a range of events across the last week or so, you continue to deliver excellent results and challenge yourselves.
Well done to our Year 5/6 Triathlon Team who competed in the CPSSA Triathlon in Oxford yesterday. Great results by all competitors in this very tough event. Special mention to Sam Wellacott who finished 7th, and Hayden Moriarty who finished 8th in the Year 5 Open Race.
Just a reminder that Cotswold Mātāhae School will be closed tomorrow due to the planned industrial action by teachers and principals.
If I can be of assistance please do make contact.
Ngā mihi nui
Lots of Socks Day!
It’s time to rock your crazy socks! Tuesday 21st March is World Down Syndrome Day and you get to wear your bright, crazy, fun, odd socks with your uniform.
It will not be a full mufti day and we won’t be collecting any money but our aim is to raise awareness of Down Syndrome. So get those funky socks on for March 21!
Junior Athletics - Friday 17th March
This year we will be running two different rotations. One rotation for the Year 0-1 students and one rotation for the Year 2-3 students.
After 15 minutes at each station the students will rotate to the next event. The rotations will start at 9.15am and will run through until approximately 11.00am.
Timetable for Athletics Day 15 minutes per station
Timetable for athletics day 15 minutes per station
- 9.15am-9.30am - Round 1
- 9.30am-9.45am - Round 2
- 9.45am-10.00am - Round 3
- 10.00am-10.15am - Round 4
- 10.15am-10.30am - Round 5
- 10.30am-10.45am -Round 6
- 10.45am-11.00am - Round 7
- 11.00am return to classes for morning tea
We invite all members of the Cotswold Mātāhae Community to attend this event and to support our tamariki in their events.
Requirements for the day:
- Hats and sunscreen
- Sports clothing (preferably the children’s house colours)
- A named drink bottle
- A can do attitude
Postponement of the event:
In the event of postponement we will notify the parent community via the Hero App.
Public Health Nurse Drop In Session
Kia Ora, my name is Kirstin and I am Cotswold School’s Public Health Nurse.
On Wednesday the 22nd March I will be at Cotswold Matahae School from 2.15pm till 3.15pm
If you have any health concerns for your child/tamariki at home or school, please call in and see me at the School Office.
Examples of health-related concerns: Allergy/anaphylaxis, day/night wetting, soiling, Medical conditions- asthma, skin conditions (eczema), weight, sleep, headlice,
I can be contacted on, Tel. 027 512 6357
Non Uniform Day and Easter Raffle
Non-uniform day is Friday 24th March.
Chocolate donations can be dropped off at the school gate before school next Friday, 24th March, or donated prior to the School Office.
Donations can be anything CHOCOLATE, - a traditional chocolate bar, block or boxed egg. Please do not send expired or unwrapped items.
We have a list of parents wishing to sell extra tickets so please return your sheet to the Office if you do not wish to sell them, or have sold some but have spaces on your sheet so they can be handed to another family to sell.
Tickets and Cash (or Kindo confirmation) need to be returned to the School Office by Friday 24th March. All winners notified during the week of 3rd April. Collection will be after school. Please return your sold Raffle Tickets by Friday 10th March.
Thanks for supporting the Parents Association Easter Raffle.
John Parsons Parent Information
Thanks to everyone who attended last weeks Parent Information Session with John Parsons. We will be sending out a video each week linked to a topic discussed at this session for parents to view and discuss at home.
Books by John Parsons:
Sushi Ninja Update
See link to Zoe's article:-
Walk or Wheel to School Week
Thanks to everyone who has supported Walk or Wheel to School Week by travelling to school in an active way.
It has been great to see so many tamariki and whānau travelling to school through various forms of transport and dressing up on Friday.
Click on this link for photos and winners:- Link to Walk or Wheel Winners and Photos
Sports Update for Week 7
Link to this weeks Sports Update including Senior Duathlon results
Second Hand Uniform Sale
The Parents Association will be holding a second hand uniform sale on Thursday 30th March from 8.30am. Outside the Hall - cash only
Community News
Link to this weeks Community News
Look out for information on the SailGP event this weekend, Bunnings Easter Bunny Hop, and discounts on Canterbury Rams & Mainland Pouākai Basketball Tickets.
Also remember to register for Krafty Kids Club and Loop Holiday Programs for the April School Holidays.