Principal's Pānui - Week 4 - Term 4 2024

Click here for the full newsletter

Kia ora whānau,

Our Principal, Chris Smith was involved in a car accident on Friday night and he is currently recovering at home with concussion. Mrs Paula Fleming-Connell is our Acting Principal in his absence. We hope that Chris will be able to return to work soon.

It is gearing up to be another busy Term ahead so remember to keep up to date with Hero App for any updates of events.

Click here for a link to the Save the Day Flyer of Term 4 Events.

Write On School for Young Writers

Writers Workshop

On Wednesday 30th of October, we had a visit from the Write On School for Young Writers. A group of our Year 5 and Year 6 students took part and had a fun and inspiring day. Thank you to Jean-Marie Cain for organising this day for our aspiring writers. Click here for full article

Cotswold BMX Success

Well done to the first ever team of Cotswold Mātāhae BMXers for your slick efforts around the Kyle Park BMX Raceway last week.

It was great seeing the kids in 'Blue, Black and White' living the school values on and off the track. All team members can be proud of their efforts.

Special thanks to Manager Pawson and Pitt Crew Baker and Willetts.

Fantastic results for everyone involved:-

Freya (Rm 3) - 1st in Year 1 Girls

Harvey (Rm 3) - Medal for Year 1 Boys

Mia (Rm 20) - 3rd in Year 4 Girls

Thomas (Rm 19) - 2nd in Year 4 Boys

Ki O Rahi Tournament - October 2024

Ki O Rahi Tournament

Cotswold Mātahae enjoyed playing in the Ki O Rahi tournament held at Casebrook Te Kura Māreko last Thursday.

There were teams from Cotswold, Bishopdale and Northcote.

Both Cotswold teams played really well showing our school values of caring, challenge and communication throughout the Tournament.

  • Cotswold #1 placed 1st ;

  • Cotswold #2 placed 6th

Thank you to Mr Harper and Mrs Sandford for supporting the teams on the day.


Cotswold Mātāhae is a SunSmart School. Click here for more details.

Sunhats are compulsory Term 1 and Term 4

In order to comply with our school’s SunSmart status students must wear hats during morning tea, lunch and any outside activities.   Just a reminder to ensure that your child has a named sunhat as these are compulsory during Term 1 and 4. School hats must be navy in colour, and have at least a 6 cm brim.  

Hats can be purchased from Mainland Uniforms in Wairakei Road or from other retailers.  We do have some second hand hats for sale at the Office.

We would appreciate your assistance by ensuring your child’s hat has the cord removed, and that it has been clearly named.   


We encourage parents to apply sunscreen before their child arrives at school but we do have sun screen available for use at playtimes and lunchtimes. The dispenser is located outside the Office. Please encourage your child to re-apply during break times.

2024 Kahui Ako Cultural Festival

Cultural Festival

This years Tōtaranui Kahui Ako Cultural Festival will be held on from 4-6.45pm on Thursday 21st November at Casebrook Te Kura Māreko.

We warmly welcome the Cotswold Mātāhae School Community to come along for some fantastic performances from our local Kahui Ako schools.

There will be plenty of free kai (limited per whanau).

Parents Association - August 2024 — Image by: Andrew Simpson

Thank you to Parents Association for recent donations towards the following items for our school:-

  • Matariki Sausages and gas bottle $547.83

  • Rugby Jerseys $1645.00

  • Kapa Haka Uniforms $1104.98

Also their very successful school disco was held last Friday night. Many thanks to Rachel Gordon, and the Parents Association volunteers for their organisation of another fun event for our tamariki.

Staff Only Day Reminders

Reminder Staff Only Day next Thursday

Swim Safe Programme begins next week

Swim Safe Programme begins next week

Just a reminder that Year 2-6 students begin their swimming lessons next year at Jellie Park. Lessons will be held from Monday 11th November until Friday 22 November (no lessons for Staff Only Day / Canterbury Anniversary Day)

Students will participate in 8x 25 minute lessons with a trained instructor from the Christchurch City Council Swim Safe Program.

Please make sure your child brings to school :-

  • swimming togs

  • towel

  • goggles 

  • remember to pack underpants if your child chooses to wear their togs to school under their uniform !

All items need to be clearly named and carried in an appropriate swim bag.

Thank you to the parents/caregivers who have offered to assist with supervision on the bus and at the pool.   We appreciate your help, and could not continue to run this activity without your assistance.

Timetable is as follows:-

  • Room 12 / 25 depart at 9am - return at 10.15am approx.

  • Room 18 / 19 depart at 9.30am - return at 10.45am approx.

  • Room 6 / 26 depart at 10am - return at 11.15am approx.

  • Room 5 / 24 depart at 10.30am - return at 11.45am approx

Jellie Park Swimming Staff - Lunch 11.30 - 12pm

  • Room 9 / 23 depart at 11.30 - 11.40am - return at 12.45pm approx

  • Room 10 / 22 depart at 12 midday - return at 1.15pm approx

  • Room 11 / 20 depart at 12.30pm - return at 1.45pm approx.

  • Room 7 / 8 (Yr 2's only) depart at 1.00pm - return at 2.15pm approx.

The children will have morning tea / lunch prior to or on their return from the pool. If you are needing to collect your child during the school day please check the timetable so you know when they will be at the pool.

A request for contribution for $26 has been added to your child's Hero Account.   

NZ Community Trust — Image by: Marie Bianco

We were successful with our grant application to the New Zealand Community Trust and will be able to reduce each student's Swim Safe contribution from $45 to $26 per student for 8 days of swimming lessons and bus transport which represents extremely good value.

We appreciate the large amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to make this programme happen for our students. Mr Harper puts in a huge amount of work coordinating this programme, and combined with the day to day organisation by our staff. We are very grateful for the parent volunteers who generously donate their time, and contributions which enables Swim Safe to continue again this year.

Enjoy some quality time with your favourite people, thank you for your support in all that you do to work in partnership with the teaching team.

Ngā mihi nui,

Paula Fleming-Connell

Acting Principal