Everyone Connected
Andrew Metcalfe - March 18, 2025
The Five marks of Mission offer a practical guide to the holistic nature of mission as such they can serve as a useful tool during Lent as we take time to examine our lives and our call to be faithful in worship and service. Mark four calls us to work to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation. The ‘Everyone Connected’ campaign addresses injustices in the supply of electricity where households are already struggling financially.
The campaign is led by Common Grace Aotearoa in collaboration with Anglican Advocacy, Fincap, Consumer NZ, Sustainability Trust, Toast Electric, United Community Action Network, Child Poverty Action Group, Citizens Advice Bureau, He Kāinga Oranga, NZ Council of Christian Social Services, The Salvation Army, Community Law Centres o Aotearoa, Family Works New Zealand, Presbyterian Support Northern, The Bishop’s Action Foundation, Disabled Persons Assembly NZ and other partners.
Electricity is essential for health and wellbeing. Most of us rely on it to stay warm, cook dinner and keep the lights on. But the Electricity Authority - who sets the rules for retailers - is not doing enough to protect kiwis who are struggling to pay their bills.
An open letter has been sent to all power companies commending changes already made and encouraging four further changes.
21 February 2025
Dear chief executives,
As winter approaches, our organisations are deeply concerned about projected rises in electricity prices. In a context where thousands of households are already struggling financially, further price pressures will result in more people rationing, or going without, the electricity that is essential for them to be warm and well.
We know that you share our concerns. We are writing to urge you to use all levers available to you to minimise hardship and disconnections this winter.
We welcome this week’s launch by ERANZ of an information booklet for customers struggling with their power bill. We applaud last year’s decision by Contact Energy to stop charging disconnection and reconnection fees in cases of non-payment. We are also impressed by the efforts of some companies to serve customers that other retailers have refused due to credit history, and we admire the hard work by some companies to minimise disconnections for non-payment. These initiatives make a difference.
Despite these efforts, post-pay disconnections for non-payment were higher in 2024 than 2023. We know that public disconnection figures are only a fraction of the true picture, and we are fearful that disconnections may rise even further this winter.
We therefore request you consider stepping up even further, by taking the following achievable steps.
As soon as possible, proactively check whether all your customers are on the right plan for their energy usage. If you offer a plan that will be cheaper for them, automatically (and permanently) apply the savings they are missing out on. Doing this soon can help to prevent people from falling behind.
Stop charging disconnection and reconnection fees in cases of non-payment. People who have their power cut off do not need extra debt. We urge you to do everything in your power to avoid disconnecting people, but if you still decide to do so, then please do not charge additional fees that exacerbate their hardship.
If you offer prepay, please ensure that the cost per KWh (including fees) is no higher than the price of your cheapest post-pay plan (including discounts). People with no other options but prepay should not have to pay a premium.
Offer the essential service of electricity to every person who requests it, regardless of their credit history, and ensure they have an option of a post-pay plan. As providers of an essential service it is your responsibility to serve a mixed community that includes people who struggle with debt but have no less need for warmth and wellbeing.
We look forward to hearing from you whether you can take these steps. We would love to meet with you to discuss any of this further.
These changes could make a significant difference to those who are most vulnerable in our community. Visit the website https://everyoneconnectednz.com/ and see the information provided. We invite you to consider writing to your power company encouraging them to make these changes or adding your name to the petition asking for change.