Our Website is now back on line
Andrew Metcalfe - July 25, 2023
Morning and Evening Prayer
- Everyone is welcome to joining Morning Prayer by Zoom (Tuesdays to Saturdays at 9 am) and Evening Prayer by Zoom (Tuesdays to Fridays at 5 pm).
Nourishing Faith
A new page combining our gospel conversations, "Just One Thing" and other faith videos
Essential Forms and Resources - Link to our Dropboxes
- Essential forms (claim forms, application forms, clergy forms etc.)
- Diocesan Statutes and Handbook
- Health and Safety Forms
- Safeguarding Forms
- Other Diocesan Resources - Making Tracks, Peter Mann House, Governance resources
- Liturgical Resources
- South Calling - Newsletter Archives
- Diocesan Year Books
Other Information
- Link to all of our Newsletters and News Articles
- Link to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCduKP9y6BMRGlefC9iwrUCA
Scattered People of the Good Shepherd: We are offering a worship opportunity for smaller groups to gather and share communion on the 4th Sunday of each month - see the separate article on this or use the following link from 9.30 am (service starts at 10 am). Our next service is on Sunday 27 July.
Called South Website: https://www.calledsouth.org.nz/
If you need any other information or have trouble finding what you need, please call the Diocesan Office between 9 am and 3 pm, Monday to Friday: 03 4880820 or email Andrew Metcalfe registrar@calledsouth.org.nz