Diocese of Dunedin

Feedback opportunity: Boundaries Workshop Days 2024/2025

Diocesan Office - March 19, 2025

Thank you to everyone who has attended a workshop in this latest series. Read on for an opportunity to provide your feedback....

Boundaries Workshops have recently been held in Invercargill, Cromwell and Dunedin and we welcome your feedback.

Please click here Boundaries feedback March 2025

to access an evaluation form, which is generously being collated for us by the Auckland Diocese.

Feedback closes at 5pm Friday April 4th.

Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

There will be one further opportunity later this year to undertake this Boundaries Course (Date TBA). Please please contact Nicola Wong, Executive Assistant to the Bishop's Office, to register your interest

 bishops.pa@calledsouth.org.nz or 03 488 0826.


Attendance at a Boundaries workshop every three years is an essential requirement for those wishing to hold, or holding, a Licence (as Lay or Clergy) or Permission to Officiate from the Bishop. Others are also welcome to attend, subject to spaces being available. Please see the attached Diocesan 'Expectations in Ministry'.


Lay Ministers:

It is an essential requirement to ensure that you have attended a Boundaries Workshop within the last three years if you wish to be re-licensed or are being Licensed for the first time with a Lay Licence. Current Lay Minister Licences expire at Pentecost 2025 and attendance at one of the sessions before Pentecost is necessary if you wish to be licensed. 


All Clergy undertaking ministry, whether full time, part time, or on occasion, have an obligation to protect all who we minister to and amongst.

It is a requirement that all Clergy with a PTO or Licence attend a Boundaries Workshop every three years, as a minimum. If you haven’t attended a course in the last three years, you will need to ensure you attend one of these sessions so that your Licence or PTO is able to remain current or be renewed.