New Bishop Elect Of Dunedin
Bishop Ross Bay - December 5, 2024
Anne was nominated by the Diocese of Dunedin Electoral College which took place on 22-23 November 2024 at St John's Anglican Church in Roslyn. The nomination was put to the Bishops and the members of The General Synod / Te Hīnota Whānui, who have since confirmed this appointment.
We have attached below a letter from the Primates of The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa, ki Niu Tireni, ki Nga Moutere o te Moana Nui a Kiwa, that is being widely released: please prayerfully share this at the start of services of worship this Sunday.
Currently arrangements are being made for a service of ordination in the first part of 2025 and an announcement will be made in due course.
Please join with me in prayer for Anne, Michael and their whānau as they prepare for this significant change in life and ministry, that they will be given the wisdom and strength for the tasks ahead.
Bishop Ross Bay (Diocese of Auckland)
Archbishops' Commissary for the Diocese of Dunedin
Link to Anglican Taonga article
Biographical Information
Anne is already well known in the Diocese of Dunedin as first as Diocesan Community Ministry Enabler (2021) and more recently as the Diocesan Ministry Educator (June 2023 to the present). Prior to her ordination as a Deacon in 1997 and to the priesthood in 1998, Anne has worked as a Music Therapist, English and Music Teacher in Australia, Zambia and South Africa. She held various church priest appointments in Australia from 1997 to 2011, before becoming Diocesan Enabler for Local Shared Ministry (Diocese of Auckland) 2007-11, Ministry Development Officer (Diocese of the Norther Territory, Australia) 2011-13 and the Executive Director of the Anglican Schools Office of Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia from 2014 to 2021. Anne received her DPhil from Victoria University of Wellington in 2015, and has been ordained for 28 years. She is married to Michael and has 2 sons: Julian (24) and Jonty (22) with 6 stepdaughters and 9 step-grandchildren, all currently in and around Melbourne, Australia.