Lent 2025 Study Resources
Anne van Gend - March 2, 2025
Ash Wednesday (5 March 2025) signals the start of our journey into Lent: have a look at our Nourishing Faith articles and Deepening Faith webpage for study resources for Lent, remembering that any under the heading of “Becoming Reconciling Communities” are also appropriate for Lent.
There are also new resources from the national Disability Ministry Educators to encourage faith communities to be enable Good Lives this Lent.
Friday 7 March is also World Day of Prayer, with this year's resources from the Kingdom of Tonga.
This year we are also recording and sharing Lent studies by Bishop Elect Anne van Gend which are based on her book "Restoring the Story: the good news of atonement" - see above for the first video in this series.
These Lenten Studies were created in co-operation with Wellington Diocese, but copies of the study are now sold outso if you still need more, contact Anne who can send you a printable version.
These recordings may be useful:
a. if you are leading a group, when you may want to watch the recording beforehand to get some extra background
b. if you have finished a session and feel a little overwhelmed! You may want to watch it both for the extra background and to think about it again
c. if you want to play this recording during your group meeting rather than read the notes aloud.
If you're part of a group meeting, it's best NOT to watch these ahead of time! It'll spoil the opening discussions! If you're not part of a group, it's an opportunity to "join in" with others across the diocese and use this as part of your Lenten journey.
Find this and future recordings HERE.
There will be something here for individuals and small groups to use from the 1st Sunday in Lent (March 9 2025) until Easter Day (20 April 2024)