Hero photograph
Synod reps at work in the Fullwood Room, Dunedin Centre on Saturday 16 September
Photo by Andrew Metcalfe

Report from Synod 2023

Andrew Metcalfe —

Synod convened from Friday 15 to Saturday 16 September. There was not a huge amount of business …but with some significant conversations.

Synod 2023 — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

Opening Service

This took place on Friday 15 September at St Peter's Caversham. Thanks to Rev'd Natalie Milliken and Rev'd Joel Stutter who along with the team at St Peters helped make this service inspiring... with Natalie and Joel continuing to act as Chaplains for Synod. Have a look at this separate article for more about Bishop Steve's charge that was delivered at this service. 

Synod members and friends gathering at the opening service at St Peter’s Caversham — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe

General Synod / Te Hīnota Whānui Elections

The following were elected to join the Bishop as Diocese of Dunedin representatives on General Synod / Te Hīnota Whānui from 2023 to 2025:


Dr Penny Field (Dunedin City)
Mr Keith Gover  (Southland)
Mr Theodore Rose (Dunedin City)


The Ven Dr Anne van Gend (Rural Ministry)
Rev’d Canon Michael Wallace (Dunedin City) 

Motions at Synod

These were passed unamended with some gaining a strong sense of support from those present. Here is the gist of some of the work that took place (to see all the motions, the budget that was passed etc, see https://www.calledsouth.org.nz/synod-info/ and look at Order of Proceedings).

MOTION NO. 5: Cost of Living Pressure

Moved by: The Rev’d Rose Scott [on behalf of the Social Justice Committee]
Seconded by: Ms Lisa Burton

That this Synod expresses concern to the Government about the impact of cost-of-living pressures on households, noting that this year, after a period of decreasing the gap between the minimum wage and the living wage, the gap has significantly increased, and asks the Bishop to write to the Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety to urge continued efforts to close the gap between the minimum wage and living wage.

This motion was carried, with one question being asked about our Diocesan Residential Care providers, and if they are doing this? Another comment was made about the disparity of one set of workers being paid different hourly rates depending on where they cleaned i.e., it was higher if they were in an area which stipulated payment of the living wage. 

MOTION NO. 6: Releasing Resources for Social Housing

Moved by: The Ven Jan Clark [on behalf of the Social Justice Committee]
Seconded by: Mrs Dot Muir

That this Synod recalls last year’s Social Housing motion expressing concern at the inadequate supply of healthy social housing in the Southern Region, and last year’s Diocese of Dunedin Property Principles motion. Synod urges all Diocesan entities and faith communities to analyse how their assets and monetary resources are currently being managed, and how those resources might be focussed to further the five marks of mission to contribute to positive social impact in our communities, in particular through supporting Social Housing initiatives.

The motion was carried, with two speakers referring to a current Dunedin North project to place social housing on land occupied by a former church hall. 

MOTION NO. 7: Anglican Overseas Mission

Moved by: Mrs Dot Muir
Seconded by: Mrs Anne Gover

That this Synod:

a) Give thanks to all members of the Diocese who have supported all Missions, especially Missions overseas, in the 2023 year.

b) Recommends all Parishes actively support The Anglican Missions Board, by continually supporting their partners.

c) That the Diocesan AMB target for the year Jan - Dec 2024 be $63,000.00 (in 2020 – 23 the target was $60,000).

This motion was carried.

MOTION NO. 8: Draft Diocesan Budget

Moved by: The Very Rev’d Dr Tony Curtis SCP
Seconded by: Mr Steve Mitchell

That the Draft Diocesan Budget be adopted as the budget for 2024. 

The budget was agreed to, with notes indicating it been made with a “balanced budget” in mind, but showing a small deficit of $13k. Synod effectively agreed to dip into reserves next year by $20k, so that the Diocesan Office has ability to find resources to assist with projects including insurance and property, as well as the scoping of the upgrade for the accounting system.

MOTION NO.9: Endorsement of Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Moved by: Mr Chris Hawkins
Seconded by: The Rev’d Michael Holdaway

That this Synod:

  1. Endorses the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative;
  2. Calls on all the local bodies of the Diocese to endorse the Treaty Initiative, and asks that the Bishop write to them asking them to do so;
  3. Calls on Parliamentarians and central Government to endorse the Treaty Initiative; and asks that the Bishop write to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister for Climate Change, and the Minister for Energy and Resources.
  4. Commits to ensuring that the investments of the Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board are in accordance with the Treaty Initiative;
  5. Asks that the Bishop write to the Anglican Pension board to raise the issue of signing up to the Treaty Initiative;
  6. Commits to cooperation with other churches and community organisations to further these goals.

This motion was carried with all speakers being in favour - this is an invitation to use our voice as a church and join in protests to force legislative change. We will look at getting some correspondence going after the election in October. 

Rev'd Joel Stutter (Chaplain), The Worshipful Lauren Pegg (Chancellor) and the Right Rev'd Steven Benford (President) at Synod 2023 — Image by: John Graveston

MOTION NO. 10: Standing Resolutions of Synod

Moved By: The President - The Rt Rev’d Steven Benford

This motion was considered in committee and then brought back to the full Synod for approval. It made three motions from last Synod into Standing Resolutions, meaning that they "remain in force" (usually motions made at a previous Synod only apply until the next time Synod meets).

These motions included:

Speaking rights at Synod - tidying up an existing standing resolution to allow for identified people to have seats and speaking rights at Synod.

Diocese of Dunedin Calendar - making the commemoration of important people linked with this part of the world an official part of our church calendar. 

Diocese of Dunedin Property Principles - again, another motion from 2022 that we want to remain in force. 

(We will be incorporating these new Standing Resolutions into our Statutes in the near future).

Secularisation of St Chads Church Middlemarch Called South
Secularisation of St Albans Church Balfour Called South

MOTION NO. 11: Dissolution of Middlemarch Parish and Balfour Local Church

Moved By: The President - The Rt Rev’d Steven Benford

This was a sad but required motion in order to formally dissolve two faith communities who are not able to continue. The motion included "...giving thanks to God for the life, witness and service of these faith communities, and praying for the continuation of ministry in these locations in whatever form this may take."

It was passed with 4 abstentions and one vote against. 

MOTION NO. 12: Milton Cemetery Schedule

Moved By: The President - The Rt Rev’d Steven Benford
Seconded by: Rev’d Richard Johnson

That: In accordance with section 16 Anglican Trusts Act 1981, this Synod approves the Scheme submitted to it by the Dunedin Diocesan Trust Board. 

This motion presented a scheme that removed Trust restrictions from surplus land near Milton to allow it to be sold to the neighbouring farmer. The proceeds of sale will then be held on trust for the purposes described in the Scheme i.e. to maintain a remaining burial site and for the Mission and Ministry of the Diocese of Dunedin. It was agreed by Synod.

MOTIONs NO. 13 to 15: GSTHW Assents 

These three motions brought amendments proposed by General Synod/ te Hīnota Whānui that included changes to the Lectionary and Prayer Book, as well as to some of the Formularies. This included a new All Saints Day Prayer and moving some prayers to different parts of the Prayer Book. New alternative Glorias were also agreed to. This means that our Diocese has been part of the GSTHW process for making permanent changes to our formularies and prayers.  

MOTION NO. 16: Thanks

Moved By: Rev’d Craig Smith
Seconded by: Rev’d Michael Holdaway 

We have a slightly quirky but important tradition of asking the "newest kids on the block" (Clergy who have been appointed to faith communities in the Diocese) to give the concluding vote of thanks. This year it was a pleasure to welcome Rev'd Craig Smith (Dunstan Parish) and Rev'd Michael Holdaway (Otago Peninsula Parish) to their first Synod with us. 

Synod in Conference

Synod 2023 - Insurance Conversation — Image by: John Graveston

There were a number of matters dealt with "in conference", meaning that there were discussions and presentations, but no motions or decisions resulting from them.

These ranged from a presentation on Anglican Missions (slides and script attached below) to a workshop on the Missions Committee application process for new initiatives and on the challenges we are facing with insurance in the months and years ahead (slides also attached below). 

We were also privileged to have a presentation from Wendy Ball, the Registrar of the Ministry Standards Commission on Title D (our national churches guidance on handling complaints and abuse concerns for anyone who holds a bishop's license. We will put this last presentation out in a separate article over the next few weeks with a bit more background, but in the meantime the video of this session is worth a watch.  

Title D Presentation - Wendy Ball Called South

Speaking to Reports

We had a few people speak to reports (see link above), as well as some time at Synod for people to discuss these at their tables and make comments/ask questions. 

Brian Tegg, Chair of St John's Leslie Groves, spoke of work that they are doing to provide more day services and increased beds. We are in a landscape of more pressure on the residential care sector, with many smaller operators closing and everyone finding it challenging to get the staffing they need. Brian played a rather sobering video about what is looming ahead. 

Ven Barb Walker spoke to her rural Chaplaincy report, including telling the story of her call to come back home to Southland after she retired as a Hospital Chaplain in the Hawkes Bay, and of some of the amazing connections she has been making since her return, including with new owners of the former Athol Church who have made this available for worship services. 

Steve Mitchell spoke to the Selwyn College Special Character report, saying that there has been a tremendous amount of work that has taken place since Synod 2018 where the decision was made to sell Selwyn, and reversed in November 2020 after a significant consultation process. Selwyn is continuing to work on its special character, there is great progress around Hoani Parata scholarships being provided for students from Hukarare and Te Aute Colleges (part of wider work connecting with Tikanga Māori and Pasifika), as well as ongoing significant contact with Selwyn students via All Saints Dunedin. It has been a joy to see increased attendance at Selwyn services, an “opening the doors" ceremony for new students and their parents (beginning with prayer) and students being baptised and confirmed at All Saints.

And Finally...

There were great opportunities for people to connect with old and new friends at Synod, whether it be at a table discussing important issues, or over lunch, evening pizzas or morning breakfast on Sunday. This is the first time since 2020 that we have not had to make last minute changes due to the pandemic - and it was so good to be able to meet (safely) in this way together. Special tribute to Rev'd Natalie Milliken and Rev'd Joel Stutter for their thoughtful and challenging worship at Synod, including a great use of videos and songs, some that were "new" to many present. Have a listen below:

Beneath the Southern Cross Lyric video One Voice TV
Purea Nei - Henare Mahanga/Hirini Melbourne Kylie Welch
The Servant Song Hymn (Richard Gillard) | Will You Let Me Be Your Servant Lyrics Fort Hill United Methodist Church

We also had a reminder of how everyone is created in the image of God.

Rev’d Natalie Milliken monitoring pizzas at St Peter’s on Saturday night. — Image by: Andrew Metcalfe