APRIL3 April - Board of Trustees Meeting5 April - Home & School Meeting5 April - Whole School Tramp. Early finish - 2pm6 April - Last Day of Term 124 April - Teacher Only Day25 April - ANZAC Day26 April - First day of Term 2
Peter Thorn
Who are our new PALs for 2023? The PALs have been on their first training day about how to be a good physical activity leader.
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Rachel Phillips
Annette MacRae
Jennifer Horgan
‘E ako ana, ā, e tipu tahi ana tātou’ - Learning and growing together.
Congratulations to the following children who received certificates at Friday's Assembly.
The Board of Trustees has approved a Teacher Only Day to be taken on Monday 24 April.
Lisa Agnew
A time of welcome.
'Kia hora te marino, kia whakapapa pounamu te moana, kia tere te kārohirohi i mua i tōu huarahi'.May the calm be widespread, may the ocean glisten as greenstone, may the shimmer of light ever dance across your pathway. (For Christine)
These students were noticed by staff, parents or students as displaying our school Values in specific situations.
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