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School Hours

Elmwood Reception - January 23, 2024

Information on our school and office hours, and what to do if your child is absent, late or is being picked up during the school hours.

8.30am - 3.30pm - Monday to Friday

Children are not to enter the school buildings before 8.30am.

The morning bell rings at 8.55am for the start of the school day.  All children are expected to be in their classroom by this time.

  • 08.55 - 10.45am Class time
  • 10.45- 11.05am Morning tea
  • 11.05 - 12.45pm Class time
  • 12.45- 1.40pm Lunchtime
  • 1.40 - 3.00pm Class time

Clearing bell 3.15 p.m.  By 3.15pm we expect all children to have left the school grounds.

If your child is unable to attend school, it is important that you telephone the school office on 355 7192 (Enter #1 and record your message) or send an email notification to   This procedure is for the protection and safety of children. If no record has been made of your child’s absence, the school office will make contact with you to establish the whereabouts of your child.

If your child arrives after 8.55am they must come into the office to sign in.  If they do not sign in and have missed the roll you will receive a phone call regarding their absence. Thank you for your co-operation regarding this.

If your child is being picked up during school hours they must be collected from reception by an adult.  The office then makes a note of their absence in case of emergency.  When a child returns to school they must come via the office to advise reception.