Elmwood Normal School - Latest News 25 March

Hot Cross Buns - Thank you

A huge thank you to all the families that supported the hot cross bun fundraiser! There were 455 packs sold which means that close to $800 will be donated to the school, for new resources! That's a lot of dough :-)
    by Elmwood Reception

Three very special students took this fundraising initiative particularly seriously and won some lovely easter baskets full of fun prizes for their efforts. The winners of the highest number of sales, selling a combined total of 71 buns went to Florence Dugdale (Kiwi Ono) Antonina Gallegos (Tui Tahi) and Pascuala Gallegos (Ruru Toru) .

ENSCA asked the girls how they managed to sell so many buns and Florence said "I went and asked all my friends and neighbours and on the phone too". Antonina and Pascuala said "We went around our neighbourhood and asked family and friends...we wanted to win the prize and help the school".

Ka pai girls, what an amazing contribution to your school.

Ngā mihi nui to all the families and the ENSCA committee members that helped coordinate this effort.