by Wendy Moffitt

Year 10 Speech Finals

Congratulations to our Year 10 winner, Liam Weston.

The finals of the Year 10 Speech competition were held in S7 on a very wet and wild Thursday morning in September, as Delta Alert Level 2 meant there were no assemblies possible at this time.  Judges Mrs Dobbyn and Mr Emery agreed that the high calibre of the speeches made judging very difficult, but in the end, there can be only one.  The three runners up were Deacan Brill, who questioned the merits of skateboarding and surfing as Olympic sports, Matthew Nicol, who argued that capital punishment is well past its use-by date, and Henry Seavill, who championed the benefits of recreational fishing.  In the end it was the audience reaction that tipped the winner over the line, and that was Liam Weston who spoke on football refereeing.  Congratulations once again to Liam, and to all of the Year 10 students on their efforts.