by Jeremy Tizard

Spirit of New Zealand - An Opportunity for ten HBHS Year 10 Students to go on a Five Day Voyage in February 2022

This is a unique adventure on a tall ship with a total of 40 students from four schools working on a variety of challenging and enjoyable activities including hoisting sails, raft races, swims, chores and games both on the ship and ashore.

Current Year 9 students need to be good citizens, i.e. have low demerit point totals at school, if they want to be selected.

Students need to be comfortable swimming from the anchored ship. Students will be accompanied by a teacher from HBHS.

The cost is $1265 which would need to be paid in installments with the final payment due by Monday 18th October.

A $200 deposit will be required once students are selected, (no deposits should be made in advance of selection).

Parents will be responsible for taking boys to and from Auckland.

Dates: 23/02/22 - 28/02/22. (i.e. current Year 9 students who will be in Year 10).


Please email if interested.

Kind regards,

Mr Jeremy Tizard