by Ryan Cox

Message from the Principal

Dear parents and caregivers

Our last newsletter for the year and mine as Principal of Hillcrest High School.

Another successful year has ended with our staff and students looking towards a well deserved break.

When the year comes to a close we all reflect on the past school year, the challenges, the accomplishments and the successes. High on the list of accomplishments is the soon to be completed Independent Living Centre (ILC), which will be in operation early next year. The conversion of the coal fired boiler to a wood chip burner to heat the school is also nearing completion. Murray Burton and his property team also have a lot of maintenance, including cleaning and painting planned for the holidays.

Much planning and staff professional development this year has focused on the changes to Level 1 NCEA next year. Amongst the changes are the new corequisites for literacy and numeracy. Many of this year's Year 10’s and some Year 9 students would have passed the literacy and/or numeracy corequisites in either the June or recent November common assessment tasks. We are still awaiting the results of the November assessments.

Planning is nearing completion for the start of the 2024 school year. We are making the final touches to staffing, next year's budget is due to be ratified by the board of trustees at Tuesday's meeting and the timetable is taking shape. We have also appointed our senior student leadership team for 2024.

On Friday 1 December orientation day for the Year 8’s (next year’s Year 9’s) took place. Over 300 students attended, and participated in a number of activities highlighting the numerous opportunities available next year and began learning about our values, beliefs and culture which is important to the school. We welcome our new students to school on 31 January with a powhiri in the JL Gym.

The last act for the juniors will be junior prizegiving on Wednesday 13 December beginning at 11am in the JL Gym. We encourage parents and caregivers to attend this event.

In signing off I can reflect on a very fulfilling almost 21 years as Principal of Hillcrest High School. I have many fond memories, of not only my time as Principal but also 42 years in the teaching service. There have been some significant changes over the years, as successive government policies have influenced the curriculum, reporting, assessment and how we manage our schools. We have also witnessed changes in society, and the complexities associated with changing demographics, and the advent of technology and social media. What we teach, how students learn and the opportunities and pathways we provide for our students has had to adapt and change over time. Hillcrest High has a very positive reputation in our community, regionally and nationally. We work hard to continue to provide opportunities and positive learning outcomes for our students, so our students have successful pathways beyond school. I know this will continue into the future.

I look forward to my new role as a Review Officer at the Education Review Office which begins at the end of January. Thank you for your support over many years. I have valued the relationships I have built with many parents and members of the community.

The board of trustees are undergoing the process to appoint a new Principal, which they hope will be in place for the beginning of Term 2. In the meantime, Mrs Christine Williams (Associate Principal) will be Acting Principal for Term 1, Mr Ryan Cox (Deputy Principal) will be Acting Associate Principal and Mrs Amber Gangley (Dean of Year 12) will be Acting Deputy Principal.

Enjoy a well deserved Christmas break and all the best for the future

Ngaa mihi

Kelvin Whiting
