by Ryan Cox

Director of Pastoral Care

Hillcrest has recently established the new position of Director of Pastoral Care who will be overseeing and supporting the work of our Deans. Shane Singh joined us last week to start in the role. Read about Shane's background below:

Kia ora koutou e te whanau,

I am a Waikato native raised in Taupiri, having attended Ngaruawahia High School, followed by Waikato University. I am a Punjabi-Indian and met my wife Shikha for the first time the day before I married her in India! It's called an arranged marriage, try that one for a brave, but scary proposition. We've been together for 19 years and have 2 children, my son Ishaan who is 16 and is a die-hard academic, plays Futsal, Football and Cricket, plus Football/Futsal refereeing, debating as well as playing chess where he has won a national title. My daughter Shyla is 11, she plays Netball and Tennis as well as swimming and loves to sing, dance, play guitar and cuddle her dog Arlo. She also has the honour of the messiest room in the house and likes to mess up other rooms also . . . . Grrrrrr!

I have travelled overseas a number of times to places like France, Singapore and the United States, but in recent years enjoyed seeing our beautiful South-Island backyard. In fact we are returning to Queenstown these next holidays because we loved the place so much. I enjoy watching and playing sport, movies and listening to music, especially those immortal tunes from the 70's & 80's, the decades that nailed beat, tune, lyric, melody and unique musical 'form' like no other. I have coached my son's Football, Futsal and Cricket teams as well as my daughter's Netball team since they were both 5 years old. Family is my first priority and I also love socialising with my crazy array of friends, which I do on a regular basis.

I have taught at Fairfield College, Hamilton Girls' HS, Fraser HS and recently at Hamilton Boys' HS. I have had a number of different roles and taught a range of subjects and coached a number of sports teams over the years. I am enjoying the shift to Hillcrest HS and can sincerely say I love the friendliness of the staff and students here. As your Director of Pastoral Care I am here to help make the school an ever-safer, ever-better place and the school you can all continue to be rightly proud of.

Satsriakal (Punjabi hello/goodbye)

Ngaa mihi nui,

Te hei mauri ora