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James Cook School

Newsletter #7 - Term 3

Kia ora koutou katoa - welcome to our first newsletter of the Term.  Term 3 is well underway and in a very short time we have been very busy.  We enjoyed seeing you all on the first day of term which gave us a positive boost to our start.

We welcomed back Van Fellingham for his return to school after his accident and subsequent injury.  Van is doing part-time at the moment and is going very well.  We welcome new students and whānau of Ruby-Mel Aranui-Munro, Ramona Fareti-Hosea, Te Uamairangi Raukawa-Emery and Eddie van Dijk.

Last week we said farewell to Leighsa Fairburn who has been in a Learning Assistant role since the start of the year.  Leighsa is in training for a cycling event and will now be dedicating her time to that.  Thank you Leighsa.

Last week the Board of Trustees held its first meeting of the term.  In Week 8 we will have our final meeting of the term online.  In Term 4 meetings will return to being on-site.  These are held at 6pm. A reminder that agenda and minutes are available for public viewing from Karen at the office.

Events coming up - a newsletter will come out this week for the Rangitīkei Tough kids.  This will include permissions.  Please keep an eye out for that.

A reminder that most of our up-to-the-minute information comes out via the school app.  We advise that you subscribe to the classrooms that you have children in as we push notifications to the classrooms rather than the whole school which currently has over 1000 subscribers!  Any help please come and ask.

School Photos are next Wednesday 9 August.  

School will close at 1pm this Thursday for Huakina Mai.  


Jacob from Beaver Trees

Community News

by Kara Mason

As you are aware the trees neighbouring our school grounds were cut down in the holidays. The trees came down in spectacular fashion...with the added excitement of discovering some beehives which produced some delicious honey. I'd like to share some information with you so we can all understand the wood situation. Do share with others.

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Term 3 Learning

by Kara Mason

This Term's inquiry learning topic is 'Te tino rangatiratanga me te kāwanatanga'.

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Policy Review and Procedures

by Kara Mason

These are policies that are under review for Term 4.

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Our goals for Matariki - Mrs Thornbury and Ayla

Huakina Mai

by Kara Mason

This event is being held this Thursday and next Wednesday.

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Aku and Jamaine - removing the stones out of the fire

Friends of the School

by Kara Mason

We are very grateful for the incredible support that we are receiving from our official 'Friends of JCS' and all our parents who have been helping out with some of our bigger events. It never ceases to amaze me how lucky we are to have whānau who are willing to give up their time to support our events.

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Time to enjoy the kai

Celebrating our Students

by Kara Mason

We enjoy sharing with you the achievements of our students. To date there have been many individuals and groups who have done themselves and our kura proud.

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