by Emily Woodhouse

Sheilah Winn Festival of Shakespeare recap

Each year regional Shakespeare performances are held all around the country during term one.

Secondary schools can enter both 15-minute and 5-minute scenes which are student or teacher directed.

John McGlashan College does not enter the Otago Regional competition during major school production years, but Yr 13 student Joe Corbett put himself forward to act in a 15-minute teacher-directed Columba College production of Henry V, and also put together his own 15-minute student-directed Richard III piece (co-directed with a St Hilda's student; and entered as a St Hilda's production).

Most schools in the Dunedin region were represented - including South Otago High School, and Logan Park and Columba in particular entered 5 or 6 productions. All in all, there were around 30 productions.

The emphasis of this event is that it is a festival, rather than a competition. However, there were prizes on the last night, and these are the results:

1. Best 15 min production [Logan Park, Othello]
2. Runner-up - Best 15 min production [Columba College, Henry V]
3. Best 5 min production [Logan Park, Loves Labours Lost]
4. Runner-up Best 5 min production [Kings High School, Othello]
5. Best actor [not in a prize winning production] [Otago Boys' High School's 'Fool' in King Lear]
6. Runner-up best actor [Joe Corbett]
7. Best ensemble performances [Columba College, Henry V]
8. Best student director [Kings High School, Othello]

Much thanks to Joe Corbett's Mother (Catherine Fowler) for article details.