Circus Challenge - Australian Circus Company visit  by Kimberley Fridd

Circus Challenge

Touring group, Circus Challenge, the Australian Circus Company visits John McGlashan College.

Circus Challenge was started as a passion project by Clinton Woodvine in 2005. Circus Challenge has now grown to include a rotating performer line up with crew around Australia and tours including Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia and South Africa.  

The entire school got to watch their show in the Davies Sports Centre, and the 'circus challenge' was filled with elements of slapstick comedy and clowning around. Most importantly, it showcased the type of skills that performing arts students would learn during the workshops while emphasising creativity, fun and, team building.  

Drama students (from Years 7 to 12) got to participate in physical circus workshops during the day. The workshops included a range of skills, from juggling, plate spinning, spinning sticks, and acrobalance. Juggling has been shown in scientific studies to aid the development of the brain. It's also been linked to improving academic skills and is also fantastic for team building. Circus skills are great for targeting the key competencies of thinking, managing self, relating to others, and participating and contributing.

There are many other benefits, including:

  • gentle exercise
  • improving hand-eye coordination
  • increasing reflex speed
  • improved sense of rhythm
  • a sense of achievement from learning new things
  • stress relief and a heightened sense of well-being
  • learning how to break down problems into manageable chunks
  • improving the ability to concentrate
  • building self-confidence
  • provoking an interest in life-long learning

So put down the fidget spinner and pick up a set of juggling balls instead.  

Before the Circus Challenge departed, they gave the P.E and Drama Departments new circus equipment, to further challenge students with the development of their physical skills, including juggling batons, spinning plates and sticks, juggling scarfs, and diabolos.  A fantastic addition to both these departments. 

Check out the galleries below for photo and video content from the Circus Challenge show and workshops.