by Stewart Nimmo

Yr 13 Leavers Events

We are getting ready to celebrate our Yr 13 Leavers...

Yr 13 Theme Week: Wednesday 25th - Tuesday 31 October 

What will the theme's be for the Yr 13s final week? 

Yr 13 Retreat: Wednesday 1st - Thursday 2nd November

Unlike the other years, the Yr 13 retreat is overnight, and this year they are off to Punakaiki for their Retreat.

Leavers Dinner: 2 November, Monteith's Brewery.

Complete the form which was sent out to secure your tickets. Numbers are limited.

Seniors Last Day at School: Thursday 2nd November

Final Mass & Prizegiving: Thursday 7th December.  Full uniform will be required at Prizegiving.

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