Geography / Media -

Last Friday, Media Studies received an email inviting us to enter a competition to be the first people to use the new Hydroslides at Hamner Springs! With one weeks notice the students managed to get their entry together.

We watched the video to explain the competition. Extra points for water... Extra points for turns... Extra points for team work... Ciaran took charge with the help of Corianna to design 'The Ultimate Ball Run'. Ciaran enthused the class and began designing the journey for the ball, Corianna contacted the Rec Centre to use the pool. Others joined in and the excitement grew... but when would we go? When would we film? We only have Media Studies on a Friday and there would not be time to do everything in a day.

Geography! Several students are in both Media and Geography, we would enlist the help of the Geography class and complete the filming during their lesson yesterday. This allowed us to use Monday's lesson to go through the plan, organise the props and be prepared for the ultimate challenge (to pull this off!).

The plan...

  • Start at the top of the Hydroslide and push the ball / hold the ball down the slide.
  • Use a tarp to- guide the ball from the bottom of the slide to the warm pool.
  • Pretend to be playing a match of volleyball and pass the ball over the net.
  • Last person to throw the ball over to the cold pool to the inflatable.
  • Teamwork to safely get the ball to the end of the run, over the inflatable obstacles.


Half the class forgot their togs, Jude did go to the Warehouse to buy some on the way to the Rec Centre. We enlisted the help of a few extra boys, thank you Payton, Matt, Robbie and Cooper, and in the water Kayla, Mary and Sammy took charge of the cameras!

The ball went down the slide, but the tarp was too short, so the plan changed. The ball went down the slide and was thrown across to the volleyball team. To make it a little more interesting, Jude sat on the Giraffe while Fagan and Dome held an arch over his head. In true media style, this took several 'takes' as the ball went everywhere except into Jude's hands. In the end we decided the power of editing would take place later and the cameras were on Jude as I threw the ball gently to him.

The volleyball game was relatively successful and took far fewer shots than expected, Alex and Dome made sure the ball headed across to the cold pool. Although, the big inflatable run was not available (it would have needed 5 more lifeguards), the team at the centre were awesome and put all of the other inflatable animals in the pool for us. I would say the ball successfully made it from 'animal tamer' to 'tamer' to the other end of the pool... but... after lots and lots of retakes... who knows?

We had a great deal of fun, there was water everywhere, several turns and the most amazing teamwork. The students are winners in my eyes. But will they win "THE EPIC PRIZE:? The winning class will be invited to be the first public rides of the new hydroslides at their opening ceremony. A party will be provided for the class, and transport will be paid to get the tea to Hanmer for Opening Day!

Who knows, the Media Studies students had fun and will have even more fun putting the footage together today

Thanks to Westland Rec Centre staff.

Corinne Coulthard
LAL Social Sciences
Year 12 Dean