Kids Voting – Te Pōti a Ngā Tamariki Junior Social Sciences have been studying Parliament, Political Parties and the Elections this term.

Our students have learnt about real candidates, parties and election issues, and next term the whole student body will gain a first-hand voting experience in our mock elections.

We are going to be taking part in the national incentive to see what our students think of the electoral parties and how they might vote. On 10th October (Tuesday Term 4, Week 1) we will be holding our 'school election'. The hall will be turned into a voting station. We will be using official ballot papers, have 2 ballot boxes and official scrutineers.

Electoral Manager - Ciaran Thow will stand at the main hall door, greet and guide students in to the election room. He will be the main scrutineer, ensuring a smooth flow to the elections and ensure the privacy of the booth.

Issuing Officers - Aleesa, Addison, Dewi and Connor will be checking names off the electoral role (student role) and giving students their ballot paper.

Counters - Aleesa, Anika, Ciaran and Alex will be counting the votes to see who our young tamariki would vote for. This will be published in the week's Newsletter.